Monday, March 31, 2008

tomolo is D day!

tomolo is delivery day!
my baby is going to arrive tomolo!
getting excited and nervous.....:)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

c section on 1st April

today I went for my gynae visit. baby now about 2.6kg.
Will be going for c section next tuesday, which is 1st April.
will be having the operation at 1.30pm. That means I cannot eat my breakfast or drink anything after 7.30am. Think I will be very hungry after that.
Have decided on epidural c section. That means my hubby can be present during the operation.

I think I'm going to fall sick. these few days, my throat a bit weird. seems like going to lose my voice. Maybe caught the flu bug. Not a good time to fall sick.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

updates again

My girl has been sick since last thursday. She had a fever for few days. After that she got cough and runny nose, now she is recovering from it. I think its the influenza season, thats why she kena, even though she did not go out the few days before she fall sick.

She missed last weekend swimming class as she had fever. Other than that, my hubby also sick last friday onwards. He went China for work on last monday nite and came back on Friday morning, and was sick. He also got fever and few days ago, he accidentedly bite his own tongue, so now his tongue swollen, cannot eat. Seems like very suay....

I juz went to see my gynae this morning. Now my bb girl is about 2.4 to 2.5kg at week 36plus, coming 37weeks. If this week she decide to come out naturally, i would still try a natural delivery. My next appointment with gynae is next Tuesday. By then i have to decide on the date for c sec. It will be on one of these days 1 april to 4 april. But 1 April is April's fool day very weird...and 4th April is Qingming jie.....also not very left with 2nd April and 3rd April...hmm.......

Will go consult my regular fengshui master this sunday. Have to consult her for a name for my bb also.

still got alot of small things to do.....have not contact my confinement lady yet...hope she wun fly me aeroplane. the house still a bit messy, still got to tidy up a bit. Still got some things havent wash yet.........alot of trivial things to do.......

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

lastest gynae check up

Just went for check up yesterday. BB now is about 2.1 to 2.2kg at week 34.
This time round i will probably go for c-sec, as i will not be able to deliver bb more than 2.5kg. I dun wan to take the risk again in case bb got stuck again. May not be so lucky everytime.

looking forward to my maternity counting down.......earliest i think will be week 37. need to see the date for schedule c sec.

getting more and more heavy. have put on about 10kg so most will hit 12kg i think. hope this time round, i take shorter time to slim down.