Friday, May 28, 2010

c section date

Consulted my regular "fengshui" master. My c section date tentatively will be on 24 June. But if baby wants to come out earlier, then its beyond my control.

Finally I have endure until the last day of school. Now looking forward to the more relaxing life. Still have alot of things to prepare for the arrival of bb. alot of things not washed and not bought yet.

My small girl will be going to childcare on 1st June. Don't know how she will react on her 1st day of school.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

very sad

One of my very good friend in AI lost her bb girl at week 40.
She had contractions early morning and within 45minutes, she gave birth to her girl in her hubby car. The bb was not crying at birth. And pass away the following day. This happened last tuesday. I only got to know today.

felt so sad. Can't help but keep crying after i hear the news.
Hope she will be strong.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

my big girl having fever

Today the childcare centre phone me and say my big girl having fever.
Fetch her early from school. Temp about 39 degree. let her eat fever medicine.

Her temp drop to 37.2 after medicine. will moniter and see how tonite.
Tomolo will let her stay with my in laws. I dun think the childcare centre will accept her back. Need to go to work tomolo. My sec 5N class is going to take O level chinese end of the month. Left with only about 5 days for intensive mother tongue class.


I have put on 2kg in just 2 weeks.
Now at week 33, bb is about 2kg.
Seems like going to be quite a big bb.

I have grown so fat until I have difficulty in walking. Need to walk real slow.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

hubby off to dubai for work

today hubby went dubai for work. Coming back next thursday.
Next Thursday is also my rountine gynae checkup.
2 more weeks to endure b4 sch ends.
getting more and more tired.

Sunday, May 09, 2010


what name is good? dun have much choices....need a 7 strokes word for the last word of the name.
shortlist 3 names....叶怡君,叶怡汐, 叶怡宁

wait for the birth of my 3rd monster then go to my regular fortune teller to choose the name.