Monday, August 24, 2009

test drive

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am I cute?

I can tie up my hair already......

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Thursday, August 20, 2009


I'm now training my girl to use potty. She can pee in the potty quite some time ago. But canot poo in potty. And night time still must wear diapers. I want to train her at least can poo in the potty. night time wear diaper still acceptable, can slowly train. So after her bday, I told her she can only have 1 piece of diaper per day, which of coz will be use during night time when she sleep. And she agreed. But soon, she discover she need to poo, and she just refuse to sit on the potty. She is too use to standing and poo in her diaper. So for that day, she make use of the one diaper to poo poo. And that night I warn her if next day she still use the 1 piece of diaper to poo, then sleep time she will not have any diaper.

And last night, she poo in the diaper again b4 sleep. So I took it off and she got to go without for last night. She cried for half an hour. After that she knows she cannot win me over, so she obey the "rules". And last night I wake up 3 times to change her pants, she pee during sleep and she continue to sleep after peeing...haha......if I din check on her, she will continue to sleep with her pee until morning, maybe flood liao...haha

Hopefully tonight she can sit on potty to poo.....if not I will have another sleepless nite again............

Monday, August 17, 2009

lousy driving

I'm going to take my driving test next month. And my driving skills still very very jialat. can't park yet. I need to think v v long for my reverse. Always turn steering wheel wrong side. Seems like really cannot drive. And the S course and crank course also cannot drive thro without striking kerb..haha..I think I'm a gone case.........learn so many months liao still like that.....And I still v scare of lane changing.......

Can I dun take the test next month.......stressed........

bday celebration in school 3

My classmates. How come everybody look happier than the gloomy face bday girl?
My girl always look "serious" in occasions like this or when she is outside, or not familiar with certain things. But when she is at home, she behave like a monster. And the cheeky face is always there, not like the gloomy face in the pictures.

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bday celebration in school 2

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bday celebration in school

baby Bop cake
The candles are so big....30 years old?? I din think about it, when the person ask me big candle or small candles, I say big candles......forgot that should be 3 small candles for 3 years old. 3 big candles, thats for me.....30 years old...oops....I'm more than that already.
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the tv commercial my big girl is scare of

my big girl is v v scare of this commercial. Once the music starts, she will start screaming for help and ask to shut down tv.
I guess most pple are not able to make the eyebrows move in that manner. But my hubby is able to do it...funni pple do funni things...hahaha

my small girl favourite tv commercial

my small girl love this.....she will stand and watch and laugh and dance.....

my little gifts for classmates

I prepared 35 small gifts for my girl to bring to school tomolo. She will be celebrating her birthday in school. tomolo is the actual day 17 August. I have ordered a Barney cake for her to celebrate with her classmates. She say she wants Baby bop, so I ordered one with baby bop picture.Hope she will enjoy her celebration in school.

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Getting ready to celebrate! 3 years old!

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candles blowing. But after so long, the candles are still lighted up.

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Whose birthday? Seems like my small girl is more excited than the birthday girl.

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i wish i can grow taller

when u see from the front, u can only see a pram moving on its own. Sometimes I seen this kind of situation also. And of coz there is a small kid trying very hard to push the pram from behind.

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sports day3

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sports day2

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