Monday, October 24, 2005

blogging topic in assembly

"Blogging" become today school's assembly topic. I thought somebody "bao do" me..........haha
anyway its none of my business.

So the safest way to write blog is not to write out the person name. Juz use alphabets, for example if anyone wants to write on "him", juz write B. And for any other people you want to write on, good or bad, you can also used alphabets......since from A-Z, there are so many alphabets available for worry........if not can juz give some nicknames which u all know among urselves.

anyone got better suggestions?


Anonymous said...

wah...than u muz be stuned when they tok about the blog right??..haha..

Anonymous said...

1 suggestion " dun even mention wat the person u r are talking about did tat dae "