Wednesday, November 26, 2008

cough and cough

my elder girl still cough in the night despite seeing 2 times western doctor and 2 times chinese doctor.

I am still coughing despite seeing 2 times chinese doctor. My night cough is so jialat that I can hardly sleep. I am so worried that I will not be able to take care of my small girl over the weekend. I am coughing so much that I think I am going to cough my lungs out. Can hardly say a few sentences and start to cough...luckily its in the sch holidays, if not how to teach.

I have given up on the chinese doctor already. later will be going to see western doctor.

My father also not well last sunday. Giddiness and vomitting. I think its due to high cholestrol. He is still on MC today. Hope he will go to work only when he is really ok, sometimes he is so stubborn that he think he is ok and can work anytime.He gets bored at home easily. Hope everyone will be well fast.

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