Even though I am on no pay leave, I still try to help with the finalizing of the exam papers. But I am quite pissed off by her again. She can't seems to make up her mind even on little things and I wasted so much time. Her sample cover pg got so much problem that I have to email her to ask what she wants.
1. footer so long until "clash" with page number.[can you believe it? i have never seen this kind of footer]
2. she wants total number of pages use "excluding" cover page. But all along, we have been using "including". The best part is she "confidently send me email and say use "excluding" despite the fact that I prompt her already. So I being very efficient, amend the cover page and all the page number. Then the next day, she send another email and say "stick back to "including". [ she seems to think I very free, and I spent another 1hour to change from "excluding" back to "including"]
still have other small details. no need to elaborate.
I had enough. went to school today and return my laptop. Now I really dun have to work. Trying to be a nice person, end up doing ridiculous no value add work. waste time only. spent a few nite just to change here change there. The only thing constant about her is change.
Hooray...now no laptop, no need to work, even if I want to help also cannot. I really need to "force" myself to stop working. Totally ignore what happen in school, if not I will be itchy fingers, try to kpoy.
And my edumail is being removed by MOE. I think becoz I am on leave for more than 6 months.
I will need pple to inform me when is the open posting. I want to look for a school, can be in the west or north also can. But I still want to be on part time teaching scheme. I dun mind teaching, but I dun like admin work. If I cannot find a school, then I will let MOE post me anywhere...haha......I dun really mind. I should be able to survive anywhere as long as the HOD is reasonable.