Thursday, January 20, 2011

spectacles matter

If only all parents are like that, then the future generation will have hope. The father of the boy is a very responsible person. He in fact took the spoilt spectacles and sent for repair. He left me his hp number. And he even sent the repaired spectacles to my house. And apologize for his son. But the repair is only for temporary as the side crack already. So he actually made a new one which can only collect on saturday. He say will leave it with the childcare centre and I can collect it from there. He even told me he already cane his boy for the mischief.

I think he has really taught his 3 children well. His older son in pri 1 is very polite also. And his youngest girl also very obedient. only the 2nd one a bit playful. I really thankful that I have met a very reasonable parent, who took full responsibily of the matter.

wanted to pay half the cost, but he rejected. Hopefully his son will not get into this kind of trouble again. And very grateful he took the trouble to actually source for similar spectacles.

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