All those who read this entry...must also do this questions and answers......:)
like that then fun:) dun be sao3 xing4 hor......
7 things that scare me:
the unknown
jwss prison
7 things that i like most:
good books
beer from paulaner
eggs in all cooking methods
computer games
all kinds of vegetables
7 important things in my room:
my bookshelf of books
my computer
my printer
my sewing machine
my soft toy
my bed
my blanket
7 things i can do:
Sleep for more than 12 hours
come out with names for all my soft toys
Spend weeks to make blanket and pillow cases
Spend at least 100 bucks whenever i step into a book shop
Buy all the xinyao albums/books that i know of
play computer games for more than 12 hours
fall asleep easily in any places
7 things i can't do:
sing nicely
Play guitar
play piano
talk loudly
7 things i say the most:
ok lor
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
someone who look like Kah Weng
Today I went to play MJ with my best friend and 2 of her friend.....its a very last minute decision, coz she phone me suddenly and say "san que yi".....and I thought recently she must be feeling a bit down becoz of her relationship matter, so I agree to join in th MJ session. I am quite lousy in MJ, coz I dunno how to count the tiles and dunno how to distribute etc.....I only know how to arrange them to win..hhaha.....
anyway, I lose about 7 bucks for the 3 hrs. consider quite small lose already. And we went dinner at Great World City. After that took bus 198 home from redhill Mrt. The at clementi area, someone who look my 4T1 student Kah Weng board the bus............I gave him a tap on the hand when he walk pass my seat, but then he look as if he doesn't know me.....and he is kind of troubled looking......I thought he wasn't in a good mood.....but now when I recap the whole thing....I think I might have recognise the wrong person......coz when I get off the bus and wave good bye to him...he still give me a very strange unbelievable kind of look....
If you happened to know Kah Weng, can u tell me if he got a younger brother? the person really look like him....or maybe twin brother? sighz...I dun have his handphone number, if not I can ask him directly........:)
anyway, I lose about 7 bucks for the 3 hrs. consider quite small lose already. And we went dinner at Great World City. After that took bus 198 home from redhill Mrt. The at clementi area, someone who look my 4T1 student Kah Weng board the bus............I gave him a tap on the hand when he walk pass my seat, but then he look as if he doesn't know me.....and he is kind of troubled looking......I thought he wasn't in a good mood.....but now when I recap the whole thing....I think I might have recognise the wrong person......coz when I get off the bus and wave good bye to him...he still give me a very strange unbelievable kind of look....
If you happened to know Kah Weng, can u tell me if he got a younger brother? the person really look like him....or maybe twin brother? sighz...I dun have his handphone number, if not I can ask him directly........:)
Sunday, November 27, 2005
how to create nice nice template for blog?
I just came back from new house. Today moved quite alot of things to new house including a 100 over kg safe box.....I think even if pple want to steal things also cannot move that gigantic monster.....
I read some of ur blogs...and thro the links, visited blogs of some others also....all the blogs look so nice.....not using the blogger to use a template of our own?
I want to make my blog look nicer lehz...........:)
I read some of ur blogs...and thro the links, visited blogs of some others also....all the blogs look so nice.....not using the blogger to use a template of our own?
I want to make my blog look nicer lehz...........:)
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Badminton session
Today went school to do some cca stuffs.
After that went Jurong point, bought 3 pairs of shoes from Noda shop.
Happened to see nanxing and shuya near Jurong Point entrance. They were waiting for Zhiqiang. Then as we were chatting, one familiar face enter the entrance. Junlong........And zhiqiang also arrived. Its like a mini gathering.
When nanxing, shiya and zhiqiang left, I spent a bit of time looking through the straits times helping Junlong to look for a job. And he phoned 2 shops looking for part time sales. He is supposed to appear in Chinatown tomorrow for a particular job. Hopefully tomorrow he will go down for interview or work. Sometimes he is quite lazy........
Went Nanyang cc to play badminton with Janice and company. Very tiring and now legs and hands aching. now my right hand also got blister, a very big one, hold the racket too long already.
Too bad Mary cannot join us. She got to look after her young brother and sister. Next time maybe.........but she is really a very good sister to her siblings..........
Tomorrow morning, I am going to new school to see the principal and also for Chinese department meeting. Hopefully the people there are nice.
Tomorrow one of my primary six cousin will be recieving the PSLE results. Hopefully she can maintain her standard and get into Nanyang Girls. Lets wait and see.
I am going my new house after dinner..........will not be able to visit my blog for the next few days. My new house internet is not ready yet...sighz...........
After that went Jurong point, bought 3 pairs of shoes from Noda shop.
Happened to see nanxing and shuya near Jurong Point entrance. They were waiting for Zhiqiang. Then as we were chatting, one familiar face enter the entrance. Junlong........And zhiqiang also arrived. Its like a mini gathering.
When nanxing, shiya and zhiqiang left, I spent a bit of time looking through the straits times helping Junlong to look for a job. And he phoned 2 shops looking for part time sales. He is supposed to appear in Chinatown tomorrow for a particular job. Hopefully tomorrow he will go down for interview or work. Sometimes he is quite lazy........
Went Nanyang cc to play badminton with Janice and company. Very tiring and now legs and hands aching. now my right hand also got blister, a very big one, hold the racket too long already.
Too bad Mary cannot join us. She got to look after her young brother and sister. Next time maybe.........but she is really a very good sister to her siblings..........
Tomorrow morning, I am going to new school to see the principal and also for Chinese department meeting. Hopefully the people there are nice.
Tomorrow one of my primary six cousin will be recieving the PSLE results. Hopefully she can maintain her standard and get into Nanyang Girls. Lets wait and see.
I am going my new house after dinner..........will not be able to visit my blog for the next few days. My new house internet is not ready yet...sighz...........
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
prizes for top 3 in final year exam for sec1-3
Finally I have come across some nice prizes for all of you. Someone say popular voucher already not "popular", want something different, so I bought something different. Dun tell you what they are yet.
I will ask mdm Lim to help me pass the prizes to the 12 of you when school re opens.
The top 3 for 1E1, 2E4, 3E1, 3N1 in the final year chinese exam, paper 1 plus paper 2. (exclude oral an listening and CA)
1. Wan Jing
2. Alvina Wan Ling
3. Jia Ling
1. Ivan Lai
2. Hao De
3. He Gang
1. Jie Yin
2. Jing Hou
3. Qiu Ping
1. Yi Jing (Still in Singapore??)
2. Ming Ler
3. Feng Xin
Please continue to work hard next year.
Though I am a chinese language teacher, I must still tell all of you the fact:
English is the most important subject, please really spend alot of time to polish up your English. After that do well for Maths and Science. And make sure you have one humanities with a good grade. This will help you in your 'O' levels tabulation of points. Please do not neglect your humanities, you need the points. As for Mother Tongue, if you do not have an interest, or you think you are really bad in it, please at least pass it. But for those who like Mother Tongue, and think that you want to do further studies on that in university or elsewhere, try to get good grades:)
I will ask mdm Lim to help me pass the prizes to the 12 of you when school re opens.
The top 3 for 1E1, 2E4, 3E1, 3N1 in the final year chinese exam, paper 1 plus paper 2. (exclude oral an listening and CA)
1. Wan Jing
2. Alvina Wan Ling
3. Jia Ling
1. Ivan Lai
2. Hao De
3. He Gang
1. Jie Yin
2. Jing Hou
3. Qiu Ping
1. Yi Jing (Still in Singapore??)
2. Ming Ler
3. Feng Xin
Please continue to work hard next year.
Though I am a chinese language teacher, I must still tell all of you the fact:
English is the most important subject, please really spend alot of time to polish up your English. After that do well for Maths and Science. And make sure you have one humanities with a good grade. This will help you in your 'O' levels tabulation of points. Please do not neglect your humanities, you need the points. As for Mother Tongue, if you do not have an interest, or you think you are really bad in it, please at least pass it. But for those who like Mother Tongue, and think that you want to do further studies on that in university or elsewhere, try to get good grades:)
Friday, November 18, 2005
3E1 的一位同学叫我多留一年,陪他们一起毕业。我很想,但是不行。。。
那个不管你怎么骂,都依然对你傻笑的钟俊明。那个曾经因为愤怒而用书包砸坏风扇的蔡骏豪。别看他那么大个子,其实他也是很细心,很贴心的家伙。明年不要再拖欠功课了,你会写文章却总是不交作文。其他老师可没有我这种耐性啊!还有那个原本看起来很文静,却在中二时突然变得超爱讲话的白伟强。而且讲的都是废话……哈哈, 更糟的是还影响了中一的妹妹佩秦。
还有那两个上课时总要粘在一块儿的家伙。一个看起来很乖,一个看起来很Blur。你们知道他们是谁吗?那个blur blur 的同学总是想把我的血管气爆。
3N1, 1E1, 2E4, 4T1/4T2当然也有很多很可爱的同学。但毕竟相处的时间太短,无法好好了解。
3N1最让人怀念的应该就是那几位很用功、很乖巧的女生;还有那几位调皮捣蛋的男生。鹏程,你可要好好念书了,再这么贪玩,怎么“鹏程万里”呢?友聪,谢谢你送我的 100k meso,我现在很少玩maple了。钱都还没用完呢!还有“荒岛上的朋友”,不要再把自己封闭起来,要融入大环境里。
3E1 的一位同学叫我多留一年,陪他们一起毕业。我很想,但是不行。。。
那个不管你怎么骂,都依然对你傻笑的钟俊明。那个曾经因为愤怒而用书包砸坏风扇的蔡骏豪。别看他那么大个子,其实他也是很细心,很贴心的家伙。明年不要再拖欠功课了,你会写文章却总是不交作文。其他老师可没有我这种耐性啊!还有那个原本看起来很文静,却在中二时突然变得超爱讲话的白伟强。而且讲的都是废话……哈哈, 更糟的是还影响了中一的妹妹佩秦。
还有那两个上课时总要粘在一块儿的家伙。一个看起来很乖,一个看起来很Blur。你们知道他们是谁吗?那个blur blur 的同学总是想把我的血管气爆。
3N1, 1E1, 2E4, 4T1/4T2当然也有很多很可爱的同学。但毕竟相处的时间太短,无法好好了解。
3N1最让人怀念的应该就是那几位很用功、很乖巧的女生;还有那几位调皮捣蛋的男生。鹏程,你可要好好念书了,再这么贪玩,怎么“鹏程万里”呢?友聪,谢谢你送我的 100k meso,我现在很少玩maple了。钱都还没用完呢!还有“荒岛上的朋友”,不要再把自己封闭起来,要融入大环境里。
introducing new red cross teacher
Red Cross has got a new teacher coming in already. She is also called Ms Tan (Ms Ann Tan), she is a science teacher.
She will be going for YO course this Nov/Dec, which means that starting of next year, she is officially an YO already:)
Maybe another 2 or 3 more new red cross teachers will come in this december...Ms Oon will update u all with new information when school reopens.
Those going for ULP course (Liwei, cin lee, you zheng) must work hard, be more vocal, must be more active in the group discussion etc......must get merit awards back.
Those going for OBS course( meishi and Jingmei), do your best also....endure......the outdoor gold badge is waiting for both of you.
She will be going for YO course this Nov/Dec, which means that starting of next year, she is officially an YO already:)
Maybe another 2 or 3 more new red cross teachers will come in this december...Ms Oon will update u all with new information when school reopens.
Those going for ULP course (Liwei, cin lee, you zheng) must work hard, be more vocal, must be more active in the group discussion etc......must get merit awards back.
Those going for OBS course( meishi and Jingmei), do your best also....endure......the outdoor gold badge is waiting for both of you.
little angels at Goat Farm
The Great Work of my cousin

This is the great workpiece of my cousin in primary one. I have a small white board with alot of magnets on it..............This is how she create the pictures with all the magnets........
Like what I told all of you, the younger the children, the more creativity they have.....
but when people gets older, they lose their creativity in the process of growing up........
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
cockroach in pasta
Today dinner at IMM.........somewhere 1st floor, with eastern and western food.
My husband ordered pasta....and eaten halfway, saw a small cockroach inside........
small cockroach, but big enough to be he just move it to the side of the plate........
then he was wondering whether to continue to eat or to call for the manager....
and we start to think what will happen after that..........
finally we thought of a few possibilies:
1. call the manager and change another plate of pasta
2. call the manager and request for refund of money for pasta
3. shout loudly in the middle of the resturant that there is a cockroach in the food
4.take a photo of the cockroach as evidence and call the reporter
5.continue to eat as if nothing has happened the cockroach up as well since its part of the dish
so which option do you think we choose?
Btw I really took a picture of the cockroach using my handphone, but it wasn't clear......
Not becoz the cockroach is cute hor and not becoz to call reporters lah.....just as evidence in case later they say we anyhow accused them.
So beware time you all eat something, eat and see at the same time...if not later eat halfway, bit onto a lizard tail, then too late already...haha
My husband ordered pasta....and eaten halfway, saw a small cockroach inside........
small cockroach, but big enough to be he just move it to the side of the plate........
then he was wondering whether to continue to eat or to call for the manager....
and we start to think what will happen after that..........
finally we thought of a few possibilies:
1. call the manager and change another plate of pasta
2. call the manager and request for refund of money for pasta
3. shout loudly in the middle of the resturant that there is a cockroach in the food
4.take a photo of the cockroach as evidence and call the reporter
5.continue to eat as if nothing has happened the cockroach up as well since its part of the dish
so which option do you think we choose?
Btw I really took a picture of the cockroach using my handphone, but it wasn't clear......
Not becoz the cockroach is cute hor and not becoz to call reporters lah.....just as evidence in case later they say we anyhow accused them.
So beware time you all eat something, eat and see at the same time...if not later eat halfway, bit onto a lizard tail, then too late already...haha
Thank you!
Thanks to my wonderful angels from red cross.
Thanks for the farewell today........
special thanks to Mary for making the trip down, and I caught u delivering the cake........
I know everyone works very hard, have to balance cca and studies and parents' pressure etc.
But I hope that all of you will still try your best and work together as a team for the unit.
Without the teamwork, we will not be able to make it for any events. I know there will definitely be disagreement here and there and conflicts between ideas, but I hope everyone will try to see the bigger picture and work towards a common goal.
Even though I will not be around in school next year, but I will still visit all of you quite often.
And if possible, I will be around to support you for your next year competitions. I hope next year when I came to visit u all in school, or when Ms Sng visit u all, we can see everyone's happy faces and all of you take pride in being part of the unit.
Teachers come and leave.......that is a part of life......but remember though we left, we want to see the unit keep growing, and hope that next time when we returned, the unit will be strong and everyone is united as a team.
Ms Oon will be around to support all of you through next year 2 major competitions- Talentime and Footdrill. Please give her your support, and I hope the footdrill team will all come for the footdrill camp....its going to be a fun and memorable me........Ms oon will come up with interesting activities for everyone......beside footdrill, we will have alot of fun stuffs.....some of the seniors will be around too, and that is also the last event I will be with all of you.
Thanks for the farewell today........
special thanks to Mary for making the trip down, and I caught u delivering the cake........
I know everyone works very hard, have to balance cca and studies and parents' pressure etc.
But I hope that all of you will still try your best and work together as a team for the unit.
Without the teamwork, we will not be able to make it for any events. I know there will definitely be disagreement here and there and conflicts between ideas, but I hope everyone will try to see the bigger picture and work towards a common goal.
Even though I will not be around in school next year, but I will still visit all of you quite often.
And if possible, I will be around to support you for your next year competitions. I hope next year when I came to visit u all in school, or when Ms Sng visit u all, we can see everyone's happy faces and all of you take pride in being part of the unit.
Teachers come and leave.......that is a part of life......but remember though we left, we want to see the unit keep growing, and hope that next time when we returned, the unit will be strong and everyone is united as a team.
Ms Oon will be around to support all of you through next year 2 major competitions- Talentime and Footdrill. Please give her your support, and I hope the footdrill team will all come for the footdrill camp....its going to be a fun and memorable me........Ms oon will come up with interesting activities for everyone......beside footdrill, we will have alot of fun stuffs.....some of the seniors will be around too, and that is also the last event I will be with all of you.
Monday, November 14, 2005
大黑狗, 贵妇狗,小黄狗,红舌狗,一只狼狗。
大黑狗, 贵妇狗,小黄狗,红舌狗,一只狼狗。
明年起,我就会到伊布拉欣中学教书。或许你们不知道伊布拉欣中学的英文名称,它是Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School.
明年起,我就会到伊布拉欣中学教书。或许你们不知道伊布拉欣中学的英文名称,它是Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
what is 3E1 and 4N1 angels doing?
What happened to all my 3E1 and 4N1 little angels...very quiet......all still surviving?haha..
where is PWQ? And all the noisy 3E1 boys.......what have all of you been doing since school holidays started?
where is PWQ? And all the noisy 3E1 boys.......what have all of you been doing since school holidays started?
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
details on wedding lunch buffet
Maybe some of you did not receive the invitation card or lost it already.....I put the details in this blog......
Date: 11 Dec 2005
Venue: Blk 419 Jurong West St 42
Time: 12.30pm-2.30pm
All 4N1, 3E1,3N1, 2E4, 1E1, ex 1E1, ex 2E1, ex 3N2, ex 3E2 chinese students are invited.:) & red cross cadets...........Did I left out anymore??:) paiseh....let me know if I forgot to type in....:)
I hope to take some photos with all of you before i completely "disappear" from school.:)
Date: 11 Dec 2005
Venue: Blk 419 Jurong West St 42
Time: 12.30pm-2.30pm
All 4N1, 3E1,3N1, 2E4, 1E1, ex 1E1, ex 2E1, ex 3N2, ex 3E2 chinese students are invited.:) & red cross cadets...........Did I left out anymore??:) paiseh....let me know if I forgot to type in....:)
I hope to take some photos with all of you before i completely "disappear" from school.:)
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