Friday, February 06, 2009


I have this headache problem after I delivered my 1st kid. the frequency of headache is like once a week. sometimes one side of my temple, sometimes both sides. sometimes mild, sometimes serious. But if I eat panadol, the headache problem can be solved. It has been 2 years I live with this kind of headache and I dun know whats the cause also. Soemtimes when I travel from place to place, from aircon place to non aircon place etc, I get this kind of headache as well. So really dun know whats the cause.

Today I finished marking my sec 3 CA papers at home. Later I am going to have a nap, then will fetch my girl from childcare. And will cook some porriage for her and for myself to eat. Hopefully after this weekend I will get my voice back and also my cough will recover.

tonite I will give the CNY dinner a miss. Too bad, really not fated to go.

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