Today my leng leng was injured.
Her classmate tok zhi xuan pushed her. and she fell against the whiteboard, got cut by the metal part of the board and injured her leg.
Today my hubby fetch her, as my weds tuition always end up late. I wonder if wednesdays are cursed. All the injury happened on weds. started from san san fell from playground, and after that another wednesday, she fell from chair. Then now another wednesday, my big girl cut her leg.And these weds, all the fetching done by hubby.
leng leng's cut was quite bad for her age. I guess must have been very painful. Quite a long cut and the area above the cut is also reddish from friction caused when falling against the board.
I sms the father of the boy, not that I wanted him to cane the boy, but more of solving problem. The boy must have some kind of behaviour management problem. He is quite a terror and bully in school. And always do negative things to gain attention. He seems to like my girl, but keep doing the wrong things. I really hope the father can have a way to tame that boy. I dun want to kick a big fuss, but I also dun wan to see more injury happened. And my girl's leg is making me heart pain. the feeling is worse than seeing san san's fractured hand. Why? becoz san san fell down herself. But leng leng is being bullied and push down by classmate. I start to fear for her safety in school.
The father of that boy is actually quite nice. he say will discipline the boy and say will pay for the medical bill. This is the 2nd time the father have to clear the mess created by his son. I hope there is no 3rd time.
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