Sunday, June 05, 2011

RIP teacher Bin

My girls' childcare centre teacher passed away on friday afternoon about 3.30pm.
Only 2 mths since detected having last stage of lung cancer.
I didn't manage to explain the concept of "death" to my big girl.
She couldn't understand yet even at 5 years old.
So I supposed the understanding will come later.
I told her teacher Bin is now in heaven and she ask me how she gets there.
And I said fly up. Then she asked how she fly up, using what and how is she going to come down.
Then she ask why she die and I say because of sickness.
Then she ask did she puke.
I say maybe.
Then she ask where she puke.
I say I don't know.
And she start to think of all kind of crappy answers.
she say she think teacher bin puke at the clouds and then the puke becomes rain and fell from sky.
can't believe she can come up with so disgusting imagination.

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