Sunday, November 06, 2011


my big girl complain of stomachache since thursday. She ate noodles that night for dinner and say she felt like puking.but its a puking feeling, she didnt puke. the stomachache seems on and off. friday the same thing. she din ate much food these few days, coz she is paraniod about puking. so she dont eat. yesterday same thing also.she keep saying felt like puking, but eventually she didnt puke also. we brought her to see a GP yesterday night. after medicine, she seems better. But this morning she woke up and say she had a stomachache. And after eating medicine and drink a bit of soy milk, she puke the soy milk out. just a few mouthful.

she did look a bit unwell these few days, not as active as before. If not for this, I would have suspect it her acting skills. But she really seems sick. And if she continue not to eat, I dont know next few days what will happen.

Too many reasons for stomachache, so very difficult to pin point what is the exact cause. And today and tomolo is public holiday, even if I want to bring her to see a PD, there isn't any around.

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