Friday, February 08, 2013


I din touch the guitar for months. And just now i went to wipe the layer of dust on it. And decide to refresh a it. But i forgot all the very basic cords. And the guitar seems out of tune. But my tone deaf is a bit serious, cannot tune it back. And used the tuner, but the tuner a bit weird also. I know its off, but cant get the correct tune back. Give up on it. Think i change the tuner battery first, if dun work, then probably get hubby to tune back for me. Everything forgotten. And the strings seems like going to break anytime, so i also dun dare to turn too much.seems like there are too many things i have not done for the past few months. All half half lying there. The knitting also not even finish one quarter of it. Not very motivated to do things lately. And the books i plan to read are piling up, also not motivated to read. Lack perserverance. Interest always last, but perserverance short lived.

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