Saturday, July 16, 2011

transport fare up?

when the service is kns, and you still want to up the price?
now? at this time? when the shits are not clear yet?
do a better job b4 up prices.
When I have to wait 20 mins at bus stop in the morning without a feeder bus for 3 consecutive mondays. the feeling sucks. And the whole bus stop from few people to exploded with people. And when the bus came, 5 feeder buses came together. wth.
Its not one time or once in 50 years time. Its almost everyday at 8.15am. If I go out later at 8.45am, i am safe. But if I go out at 8.15am and want to catch a bus, I need to wait till 8.35-8.40am, and makes me freaking late for tuition.
And the peak hours MRT station KNS also.
import and import more people in, and see who die first.
They are faster, better, cheaper.
But we singaporeans die faster.
when we complain about transport services, they will look at XXX countries, we must be contented with what we have, our lives are good etc....
But why we don't compare with YYY countries? Why must always compare with the worse ones? why cannot compare with better ones. Like that how to improve ourselves?
Why always so defensive?
Got imperfection, make it perfect. Cannot make it perfect then make it better.
Do a good job first. If you want to up prices, by all means. But clear your shit first.
Take a public transport yourself during peak hours and see the problem.
Hate this.
And now whenever I go out, the voices at my back makes me feels that I am in a foreign country, its either a part of china or I am in India.
When did this happen?
Where did all my singaporean friends gone to?

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