Monday, September 05, 2011


Brought my girls to see pd just now. actually is my leng leng see pd, san san just tag along. leng leng got this cracked lips problems and a bit swollen lips, affected area have widen to the area below her lips. Got very worried coz it started in july and until now, on and off, have not recovered. I apply petroleum jelly on her lips after seeing a GP. And today see PD, given petroleum jelly and steriod. But steriod is too strong, i will only apply a little for these 2 days, after that I will stop.
PD say its not infection or virus thing, but more of eczema,which of coz was in the genes. MY hubby had very serious eczema. from legs to body to his lips also.since his secondary sch days. recently he also had this swollen lips problem. So we suspect is some kind of food. my san san also start to have a bit on the lips too. BOth my girls has got this eczema thing from their daddy. Felt sad. Its going to be with them for the rest of their lives. Hope will not get trigger by food so often. When I look at leng's lips, felt very sad. Can't cure her problem.

I suspect the food that caused that is durian. recently they have been eating that. And its around the time when leng start to have cracked lips. And slowly worsen. So I am actually 75% sure that it is durian. Will totally make sure they keep out of durian, if they ok after that, means eating durian will trigger the eczema.

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