Tuesday, March 01, 2011


I have tried driving a few times with hubby sitting beside in car. But still not confident to drive alone. and better dun try also, if not if anything happened, touch wood, dun know who to call for help. If I can drive better, the next 2 weeks when hubby fly, I can take the car and drive the kids to Jurong, but I think better dun take the risk. The car will again not be used for 2.5 weeks. Very wasteful, but no choice.

I have to take Bus and Mrt. Even if I want to take cab also cannot. becoz my ah san do not want to take cab. She knows she will puke if she takes cab. She is very prone to motion sickness. even on jerky cars and buses, she will puke too. So I have to choose the correct transportation for her.

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