Sunday, December 30, 2012

Fun time

Today we go durian picking.and we also try going the crayfish catching. But raining, so din go catch. But its quite fun. Manage to find a few durians. Maybe durian picking will become one of our new hobby.

Saturday, December 29, 2012


魔头杉把樟宜机场念成"chinese airport"。 而且不允许我们纠正她的错误。 小君君的句子结构也是天才级的。 看见我在写东西,竟然问我"妈妈,什么在写?" "在写什么"变成了"什么在写"。 看来之后还会有很多天才句子。


魔头伶快开学了。上小一了。好像距离长大,跨出了很大的一步。 她没有紧张的情绪,仿佛一切是那么自然而然发生。 或许她的情绪也是慢慢沉淀下来的,现在还没到那个阶段。 但是我这个当妈的,却非常兴奋。有忙不完的事。 要修改校裙,准备文具,检查书包,准备饭盒, 每一样小事对我而言都是大事。 我的魔头伶离长大越来越近了。 希望再快些,却也希望慢点儿。 因为她长大也意味着自己老了。 很怕时间老人在后面追着我的感觉。 如果在世界的某个角落,有人在等我的话, 那一定是时间老人了。


今天有意搜索了两所本地学府的师资状况。 发现虽然不是什么名校,只是稍微和主流学校不同罢了,但是每一位教师的履历竟然有一整页。 什么某某大学毕业,什么奖学金得主,什么一等,二等荣誉学位,硕士,得什么奖,参加什么活动,作出什么贡献。有些是很惊人的成就。有些是鸡毛蒜皮的小事。我很怕看见这样的履历,因为自己写不出这种流水账的成就。每次做什么年底评估,都没法写出什么,好像都是份内的事,写什么写。没意思。都没有什么大事可写。所以总是一小段就能总结全年的一切。大家都在做的,份内的事,我总觉得真的没必要写。应当如此,没什么了不起。我没有写履历的能力,看到每个人拼了命,美化自己,心里不知道是什么样的一种滋味。反正我做不到。如果按照写履历的能力,我真的没有资格成为师资团队的一员。我只是我,就是我,没有什么履历不履历,不会为谁写什么为自己加分的东西。这不是我的作风,不是我想做的。我没有必要随波逐流,做回自己不是更自在吗?

Friday, December 28, 2012


请别在脸书上载或分享那些恐怖,恶心又令人同情的照片。 虽然照片附上"觉得可怜就按赞",或是按赞之后有什么什么捐款之类的话。 但是很多时候,这个"赞"我真的按不下去。 感觉像前方明明就是一坨大便,对方却告诉你,吃下去之后并不是大便的味道,而且还可口无比。 这个感觉真的不行。每天都这样。真的不行。别再刺激我的脑神经还有仅存的同情心。 这样的照片还能按赞的话,感觉很没人性。等有了"不赞"这样的选择后,才分享这样的画面吧。 违反自然的选择,没办法选,没办法按赞。

Visit nie

Today i went back nie. But now is sch vacation, so the campus is quite deserted. And i scan through the lecturers list, only 3 familiar names. And only one is well respected. One i dun like, and one not much feelings. So i went up to her office, but she was away on leave. Have not seen her for 6-7 years i think.i went to the bookshop, bought a card. Wrote something, and left in her letter box. A bit sad with all the changes in the campus. In future also dun have to go bk, becoz there really isnt anyone there. All those good lecturers either being sent off, retired, or work somewhere else. Initially wanted to see if ron wants to go together with me, but he is still overseas. Sometimes i really envy him, with all the freedom, and aspirations. He is planning to go australia to teach. But of coz everything is a package. So the kind of life each and everyone choose all lead to different outcome. To settle down, there are pros and cons. To be single, there are also pros and cons. Cant have the best of both worlds.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012




刚赶工看完了「半生缘」。最经典的应该就是那句"我们回不去了"。这句话也出现在「犀利人妻」里,经典台词。 看完小说,感觉就像世界末日,心都凉了半截。风格是非常张爱玲,和我之前看过的几篇小说很相似。故事里都有"去势"的男主人公。都是些懦弱,无能,可耻的家伙。在家庭里,也常常缺席。就是一种颠覆父权的表现。还有一贯的女性受害者,是受害人也是害人者。像故事里的顾曼璐,迫害自己的妹妹。很多作品都有这样的剧情。受害与迫害。还有"疯女人"形象。在很多故事中,这个意象很常出现。在「半生缘」里,有刻画顾曼璐像疯女人的文字,而顾曼桢被囚禁的那一年,整个感觉就是一个歇斯底里的疯女形象。还有那一贯的"苍凉","苍茫"的文字风格。看完之后,真的就是整颗心都荒凉一片。觉得这部作品在时间的处理方面非常细腻,时间在这里是个很敏感的关键词。「半生缘」这个书名,就已经有很强烈的时间概念。看到的不是半生缘,而是一生无缘。作品中的家庭,竟然没有一个是幸福圆满的。每一个都是无缘的一种结合。有些人和伤口一样,没有碰到是不觉得痛的。其实我还蛮讨厌故事中的男人,除了那个医生之外,其他的男人感觉都很逊。男主角也一样,如果他不是那么懦弱和多疑,女主角的遭遇应该不会那么悲惨。小说里的男主人公都非常欠缺勇气,想要的都没有勇气去争取。因为这样退而求其次,最后换来的都不是自己真正想要的。为什么只有半生的缘,一生无缘,很多时候是自己造成的。可能是因为错过,可能是因为选错,有太多的可能性。虽然我蛮喜欢张爱玲的作品,但是我不喜欢这种非常末日的感觉。"我们回不去了",时间回不去的。

Sunday, December 23, 2012


明年的华艺节,有两个舞台剧是我还蛮想看的。只是现在才买票,最便宜的票都售完了。 也没有为什么,就是一种感觉。想看这两部。 选了星期天下午的那场,比较容易脱身。趁魔头们在睡午觉,又有人帮忙照顾,应该是最佳时间了。 有时候就会心血来潮,想看一些演出。 其实也有一两个演唱会是我蛮想去的。但是想想还是省下钱比较好。每个月的开销实在太大了。 有时候可以顺着心意,有时候却需要克制太多的欲望。

Christmas stay

My little june is back with me for a short christmas stay. From tonight till weds morning. Will send her back jurong on weds. The two big monsters go childcare. And i can go out with hubby on weds. Have not gone out just the two of us, for a long time. And thurs, will probably run some errands. Then friday, i have lessons from morning to evening. Weekend, probably bring the monsters out to have some fun.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


发现我常常在末日留言。 一天快结束的时候也能叫末日吧。 一日之末。 临睡前最喜欢写点无聊东西。 很多时候不是写实, 所以不需要太认真。 有时候看偶像剧太无聊了, 觉得剧情烂透了,倒很想自己也来写写故事。 但是从来就没有成功写出一篇小说。怎么写都只能写出散文。 还蛮想挑战这个不可能的任务。




忘了,并不是不在乎。 忘了,是因为太习惯。 太习惯某样事物的存在, 所以忘了它存在的意义。 所以忘了它也曾经不存在。 所以忘了它最初存在的价值。 因为太熟悉,反而疏离。 因为太安定,反而冷却了。 感情往往是这样,因为不安定,因为存在着未知,因为不确定, 所以变得神秘,变得刺激,变得新鲜,变得向往。 但是确定下来后,就很难再有那种"怦然"的感觉。 没有并不是不在乎。 因为我一直确信,感情必须升华。 不管哪一种感情都一样。 友情也是。但是很难为升华下定义。 但是忘了真的不是不在意。 忘了,有时候是因为很在意,有时候是因为太习惯。 有些是刻意想忘记,最后也确实随着年龄的增长,记忆随自然的退化一起抹去。 有些是不想忘记,但是也一并随着年龄的增长,毫无选择地失忆。 并不是老庄哲学里的最高境界。真的就只是很无奈地失忆。


快乐弄丢了,要去哪里找回来? 忘了,如果忘了它曾经到过的地方,要怎样找到它?

Friday, December 21, 2012


我应该是个猜不透的人。 也许不是这样,可能只是心情的关系。 我不喜欢缅怀没有意义的人和事。 并不是不念旧,只是很多时候感情基础对我来说更为重要。 如果那些曾经都只是路人甲乙丙丁, 真的没有必要在现在这个时候有什么牵扯关系。 我不喜欢比较。因为每个人都有自己的生活方式, 有自己的专长和兴趣。你不是他,我也不是你。 没有必要羡慕别人日子过得写意或是谁谁谁有什么辉煌成绩。 因为在我看来,很多事情不过如此而已。 只要有心,只要愿意,天时地利加人和的关系, 很多事情就能无往不利。 可能是心情的关系。我并没有要任何人了解我的思绪。 只是有时候还是会觉得自己被孤立,觉得有点儿空虚。 有时候自己也猜不透自己, 所以可以理解你这么快就放弃。 我没有很在意,只是你的不曾努力让我有小小的失望而已。


所谓的末日过了。 大家都安然无恙吧。 劫后余生的感觉如何? 现在还是冬至。 今天又是冬至又是末日。 大家各忙各的。 一天就这样过去了。 以后再说有末日,都别信了。 信了,才是真的末日。

Thursday, December 20, 2012


今天好累。 又到生理期。怎么和所谓的末日撞在一起。 今天和老妈还有小君君出门。到了傍晚赶回来接两个魔头。 间中还要去图书馆帮她们借书,还要帮她们买新鞋,还要打包晚餐回来。 吃了晚饭后,还要带她们去美术班,然后再接她们回家。 到了晚上十点才有时间洗澡。 还要洗衣,还要思考。。。。。。 然后好累,好想睡,但是衣服还没洗好。 还可以先看一集偶像剧。 明天要早起,因为答应魔头们要煮汤圆当早餐。 还是好累。。。。。。

Wednesday, December 19, 2012





Monday, December 17, 2012


末日的脚步近了,但是没有末日的感觉。 更像自己的末日。 今天的心情真的就很末日。 明天的应该也是。。。后天的。。。然后。。。

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Visit ah lian

Today went to visit ah lian and bb jayen. tianyan and kelvin went also. Had a chat with them. all on baby, pregnancy, delivery, post delivery etc. Hubby came to fetch me after that at 4 plus. He just came bk from overseas. And we went back jurong at about 5.30pm. And the monsters are happy to see my hubby back. Leng still a bit cough. San fever under control.

Talk nonsense

My san san just now woke wan to puke. Then i quickly take dustbin and put infont of her. Then she suddenly lean her head backward, seated position, and look at the ceiling or look at me....not sure, coz her eyes not focused. Then start to talk nonsense again. Not sure what she say...but i heard she call me... But dun know what is it about....she also mention my hubby..."妈妈。。。。。","爸爸。。。。。。".then cry a bit and i say i put wet towel on her forehead, she say ok. When i take the towel, she refused to let me put. I fed the stronger fever medicine. The fever still very high. Dun know if i should go sleep first or wait a while......

Still fever

I just fed med to san san at 12am. She is still having high fever at 39.6 I am thinking if i should use the stronger fever med now. Or i should wait another hour. So that in between, the gap is not that big and i can fall back to the other fever med when the fever didnt go down. One is 4 hours interval and the stronger one is 6 hours interval.maybe i will feed at 1am if temp still as high, and at 4am feed another type. Will have to set alarm to wake up at 4am. I am very used to sleeping late and sleeping very little. I think the sense of responsibilty of being a mother, can overcome alot of things.very naturally u will do alot of things which u never thought u will be able to do, and the sense of duty is very strong.i can dun sleep for a few days if i have to do so, but i cannot do it for a long time. Age is catching up also, so i dont have that much energy.hope tomolo san san will be better. Recently she keep falling sick, and she has lost alot of weight already. Her round face has become pointed.


I got a shock when i went for sophie wedding dinner just now. Thought there are other teachers, end up i am the only stressed. Even though i have taught the boys at the same table, but that was such a long time ago, and i cant remember most of them, except for weiwen, yuanjie, chenghong and kaijian. Some of the names i still remember, but i cannot link to their faces. I thought i can chit chat with some of my old friends, but end up chatting with my old students. But i had a good exchange of ideas with weiwen. Can see that all of them have grown up....and i am old already. Time really flies. Attending wedding dinner is always what i like, as i like sharing the blissful moments of others. It is a once in a lifetime event, and being a part of it is also a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Two down

San san yesterday also down with fever. So fed med at 2.30am for both of them. This morning went to gp and take more med. and come back already 10am, so didnt manage to go yamaha lesson. San san suppose to have mini concert today. Sighz....anyway she also not well enough to go. Leng seems to be in better condition, but this week she miss the lesson, next two weeks n lessons, so the next lesson will be next year already. San still got lesson next week. Hopefully the falling sick season will stop.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Not again

My big girl just now start running fever. These few weeks really rotating to fall sick. I have recovered. But my san san still having runny nose and phelgm. And now leng leng down with fever. Later i will have to wake up at 2.30am to feed med. will set alarm later. Or maybe i will just wait till 2.30 then go sleep. Dun know if she is able to attend yamaha tomolo. If still not well, i will keep her at my mum house, then i bring san san there. Hope this time she recover fast, if not she will lose weight again. She is so skinny already.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Plans for this weekend

Tomolo morning my hubby will be flying to malaysia for a short trip. Will come back on sunday afternoon. I have lesson in the morning and lesson in the afternoon. So the kids all with my mum. I will probably come back in the evening. Saturday morning i will bring the monsters for music lesson, then maybe go library a while. After that back to jurong. And evening will go ex jwss student wedding dinner. As for sunday, i have lessons in the morning. After that see how timing goes, visiting ah lian in the afternoon. Then night time back to yishun.

Meeting fang

Today afternoon met fang for lunch. She had medical appointment at mt E. so we met at orchard. Went orchard point mushroom pot. Thanks for the treat. We had a very long chat...from 1pm to about 4.30 pm. Have not seen her for quite a while. hopefully everything for her will be good. esp the operation on her hand next year end. After lunch with her, i still had a few places to go. Promise the kids i will borrow books for them and went robinsons to check out shoes for them. But very limited. I think raffles city one will be better.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


又一个婚外情丑闻。 保密功夫做得不错,等到引咎辞职后才公诸于世。 应该只有领导团队的人才有这样的特别待遇。 不然早就成为各大媒体的头条,怎么可能现在才曝光。 我个人觉得,网民把女方揪出来并没有错。因为她不是局外人,她是当事人。做错事,必须有承担的勇气。 早知今日何必当初。如果一开始就知道对方已婚,还坚持搞婚外情,那没法原谅。因为这是一种选择,自己既然这样选,就该知道东窗事发后必须付出的代价。everything is a package. 你可以选择快乐,但是必须有原则。前提应该是对方已离婚,或未婚,反正要单身。自己也必须离婚,或未婚或单身。这是游戏规则,违反了后果自负。 特别是公众人物,私生活一定是摊开来,没法隐藏的。不想面对媒体的包围,就遵守游戏规则吧。 我对第三者是没有成见的。要看情况而论。如果是不知道自己是第三者的那些人,我认为情有可原。因为他们也是受害者。但是知情者就不同,我觉得享受了快乐就必须承担后果。这本来就是一整个配套。不要因为暂时的快乐,短暂的快乐而让自己陷入这样不堪的处境。当你觉得遇见了一个人,有相见恨晚的感觉,再回头想想,在很久以前,也有那样的一个人给你同样的感觉,但是因为生活的种种繁琐的事情,把原本能够很单纯的感情,变得复杂,变得失去原味,变得平淡无奇。人在安稳的生活呆久了,就想要点刺激,想要过更有挑战性的生活。这是屁股痒,吃饱撑着。在每天惊心动魄的生活中,又向往安定。但是不管再激情,再多火花的感情,最后都会升华,不可能永远处于这样的阶段。对我来说,这是人生不同阶段的成长。当然最初遇人不淑,后来遇见对的人,这样的组合,我当然给予祝福,但是前提还是,请照着游戏规则走。不要在不清不楚的状态发展新恋情。让家里的那个人最后一个才知道真相是很残忍的,对方应该要是第一个被告知的才对。因为了解而分开,我认为没有错,只要分开后大家都找回自己的生活,纠缠不清才要命。但是不管怎样,一切都要照着游戏规则走。

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gathering nie friends

This afternoon lunch at suntec loving hut. A small gathering. Zhen last minute cannot make it on time as she had to bring bb for injection. Ron went overseas. So we have kenneth and his wife and bb boy, jia and lin, and me and little june. A lunch and chit chat session. After that i send little june back jurong. Next year will organize another gathering. Hopefully all can come. Hopefully i wun forget, if i forget, hope someone can remind me....hope at least we can gather once in a year.

Monday, December 10, 2012


魔头杉:我叫蚊子叮你。 我:我不怕。 魔头杉:我叫它叮很大力,很痛。 我:我才不怕。 魔头杉:你怕! 我:我不怕! 魔头杉:你坏蛋! 我:对,你坏蛋! 魔头杉:是你,你坏蛋! 我:对啊,就是你咯,你坏蛋。 每天的例常斗嘴。

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Discipline monster san

My san san is very unmanageable this morning. Very cranky mood. Throw tantrum and scold almost everyone in the house. Just because of a piece of cake. She wanted to 'steal' little june piece of cake for breakfast when she finish her share, so we say no. And she start to scream and cry. And scold us. Say we naughty and stupid. And say throw me into dustbin. Of coz she say in chinese. "妈妈坏蛋,爸爸坏蛋,姐姐坏蛋,怡君坏蛋。""你很stupid" i cane her. Many many many times. More than 30 strokes. And she keep challenging me, say not pain. So i cane her more. And she never learn from mistake, one day can repeat this kind of thing a few times. The two other sisters never create this kind of problem for us. And she scream and yell for very long. The pitch so high, i think she has reached the highest pitch one can have. 我的心也很痛,但是不打不成器。if dun teach now, she is going to be even more difficult to handle in future. Now only four years old already 无法无天,need to really discipline her properly.

Little june home

Brought little june back for a short stay since i have no lesson tomolo and tuesday. Will bring her out for gathering with nie classmates on tuesday. Then will bring her back jurong. Since i got lessons on weds morning and afternoon. Just a short stay in yishun, but my mum can make use of the two days to go out and relax. Can go out with my aunt.will try to offload her whenever possible. Little june likes to stay yishun also, can play and sleep together with her two sisters.

Saturday, December 08, 2012


忘了多少年没有庆祝结婚周年纪念日。 应该是第二个孩子出世之后就没有闲情逸致了。 算一算,明年的五月就步入第九年了。 好快,十周年都快到了。 生活很平静,踏实。 可能年纪也大了, 现在更关心的是生活中的柴米油盐酱醋茶。 不管选择什么样的生活方式, 都要有所牺牲。只要自己觉得值得就行了。无需向任何人交代。


如果末日就要来临, 你想牵谁的手走过回忆。 倒带过去的一点一滴, 在地球毁灭的前夕。 如果末日就要来临, 你想让谁长眠在你怀里。 定格某一个感动的瞬息, 在地球毁灭的前夕。 如果末日就要来临, 你有没有遗憾留在心底, 想对谁说的对不起, 是不是已经来不及。

Plans for next week

Next week is a gathering week. I managed to organize an nie classmate gathering. On tuesday. Only ron will not be able to come as he is overseas. Thurs i am planning to meet up with fang. Hopefully ok. Have not seen her for quite a long time. Saturday i am attending an ex jwss student wedding. time really flies, now my first few batches of students are getting married. will be able to see some of my ex collegues at the dinner.Sunday i am planning to visit lian. But still kiv as she may be too tired for visit. Busy week for next week. But looking forward to it.


谢谢你曾经感动过。为一件很平凡的小事。 那些年的共患难,也是我很珍惜的时光。 虽然有些记忆不太清晰,但现在我也感动于你曾经感动的瞬息。

Friday, December 07, 2012


今天早上醒来。奇怪的是,竟然还记得梦里的一个画面。 我前面的牙齿,下排的其中一颗,有两个"洞",应该是蛀牙。 我知道梦见掉牙是凶兆,但是我的梦没有牙掉的情形。 只是蛀牙。要怎么解? 找了周公解梦,没有明确的解释。 我是蛮相信梦的,因为身边就有两个前同事, 说过她们的亲身经验,所以我是相信的。当然不是所有的梦都有意思。

Wednesday, December 05, 2012


无病呻吟的时间暂停。 我看戏的时间又到了。


突然想到顾城的一首诗。 「你,一会看我,一会看云。我觉得,你看我时很远,你看云时很近。」 人的感情好像也是这样。 好像距离很近,但却又遥不可及。 咫尺天涯。 感情跟时间应该不成正比。 不是认识越久就感情越深。 有些人认识很久,却越来越陌生。 是人心在变,还是一开始就没弄懂对方是什么样的一个人? 还是因为认识的时间长了,就发霉了,变成另外一种味道。 朋友的交情不能以时间单位衡量计算。 自以为了解一个自以为认识很久的人, 最后可能变得很不堪。 人生没有几个十年,更何况是二十年。 二十年是什么? 它什么也不是。没有了意义,剩下的也只是一个普通的数字而已。 二十年。是近还是远? 心?感情?时间?距离? 不管多少年,会出卖你的感情的人,还是会把它廉价出售。 这样的情况,应该不是二十年前没有认清对方。 而是人心会变,二十年的改变,早已面目全非。 死心眼的人没有改变,又怎么看得见别人的改变呢?


你知道我喜欢什么吗? 连我自己都不是很清楚的事, 怎么能希望别人会了解。 喜欢什么样的人? 喜欢听什么样的音乐? 喜欢吃什么食物? 喜欢喝什么饮料? 喜欢看什么样的电影? 喜欢去什么样的地方旅行? 喜欢穿什么款式的服装? 喜欢交什么样的朋友? 喜欢在闲暇时做什么事情? 喜欢过什么样的生活? 很多时候我的喜欢已经变成习惯。 而且浑然天成,自然得很。 我真的喜欢做这些事情吗? 我真的喜欢吃这些食物吗? 曾经在同样的一所学校教课时,吃了将近两年的同样一个摊位的食物。是每天都吃同一个摊位的食物。每天。 应该没有人能做到吧? 我的喜欢可能不是真的喜欢。 曾经的喜欢变成习惯。所以就习惯接受这样的喜欢。 物极必反。因为喜欢就每天重复,这样应该不好吧? 因为喜欢某件衣服,而买了同样款式,不同的颜色。 这样的事情我也常做。 因为习惯穿某种款式的鞋子,所以买了很多双一模一样的。 穿坏了,还能换一双一样的。这样的事情我也常做。 一成不变。死心眼。 真的还弄不懂喜欢什么。还是习惯的真的就是最喜欢的? 死心眼的人如果有一天突然"开窍",应该会很可怕吧?


本人最常被迫接受的一种方法。 每次生病之后都会瘦一点。 小病瘦一点,大病瘦一圈。 这次小病让我又瘦了0•5公斤。 其实我现在根本不想瘦身,因为我的问题是局部的问题。 要瘦的不是全身,只是某些部位而已。 39•5 公斤。见不到4的开头了,如果身高也能这样就好。 加个一公分,就好了。

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

So tired

So so tired today. Fell asleep while reading just now. Energy level low. Have to re charge. Need to sleep earlier today. Hopefully my san san dun give me anymore new patterns today


最近我很欣赏的音乐王子,绯闻也太多了吧。 很不喜欢这样的感觉,虽然关我屁事。 就是不喜欢太高调的艺人。 喜欢绯闻少,默默耕耘的那种。 讨厌炒作,虽然在娱乐圈的生存之道就是要有新闻。 不管绯闻真假,觉得有实力的人应该以行动证明。 与其浪费时间在这种没有价值的绯闻上,还不如多花时间创作更多作品。 还是蛮令人失望的。


梦想往往都不切实际。 我的梦想是。。。。。。 应该说这个moment想的是。。。。。。 希望在这个很小的空间, 开辟一个真正的花园城市。 很浪费资源的梦想。 想要一年四季,躺在花海中欣赏大自然。 想要看一整片的花,不需要再乘搭飞机到国外。 真的就很喜欢花。 原来一直就是个花痴。

Movie today

Brought my girl to watch frankenweenie today. She dun like. I think because of the color. Black and white kind, and the characters inside all look like monsters. She was so scared, keep grabbing my hand. Actually the idea is good, about a boy love for his dog, and how he get the dog back to life.some kind of freaking Science experiment.but i dun like the non colouful kind of anmations, and of coz the characters all look very disturbing.and pace is slow. scenes are disturbing. and cemetry, dead creatures, horrifying faces of characters,not my type of show. Still prefer the colouful rise of the guardians kind of show.


厨房还在下雨。 大概要下一整夜吧。 我的床单洗了两遍。 应该还要再洗第三遍。 只有在这一方面,我会有点洁癖。 因为病菌看不见,多洗几遍自己也比较安心。 当然还要消毒。这些都能做到。 唯独那只已经睡着的魔头杉不能消毒。 不要再生病了。 都不知道刚刚病过,是不是才好,还是还没好。现在又来一次历史重演。 这两个月真的是破财消灾。 想要省钱,还真的就不能省。



Kitchen flooding

My san san has alot of phelgm, and sleeping in aircon room make her cough. Then just now she puke. So i got to change bed sheets and her clothing etc. now have do do washing. And when i go kitchen, i found the floor wet. Really jialat. And the rubbish chute like waterfall, i dun even have to open it, can hear the water sound. Internally my pipes are not leaking, so something outside is leaking water. I woke my hubby up to check, really not good with all this technical stuffs. And he just take a look, say it external problem, and go back sleep....haha....din even bother about the flooding kitchen. Dun know tomolo morning what will happen to my kitchen if the water din stop flowing. I also cant be bother. Sms my neighbour upstairs. Leng leng gd friend JR's mum. No reply. Haha. Of coz, normal people at this time will be sleeping, who on earth will be like me watching drama series. So dun know if her kitchen also flood with water.

Monday, December 03, 2012

No pictures

Have not been posting any photos on blog for a long time. Reason is using my desktop to view blog got problem, photos also cannot upload. So i can only update blog by typing wordings using ipad. And ipad i cant upload photos. Dont know whats wrong with my desktop, maybe getting old.


不能将就,只能迁就。 感情不能将就。 婚姻需要迁就。

Maybe a gathering

The last time i seen my nie classmates was in 2010 dec. i just checked my blog entry. That means last year we didnt meet up. Am i supposed to organize it a yearly basis? I cant remember if i said that. Thinking of organizing one this month. Not yet contact them yet, but i guess zhen probably cannot come. She has family stuffs to settle. I think ron and kenneth should be ok. I have yet to see kenneth's bb boy. Will be a good time. Jia should be alright too if she din go overseas. Lin should be ok if schedule fits in. Cant believe 2 years have passed since we last meet up. I missed those nie days. Those days at the old nie bukit timah campus.

Plans for tomolo

Tomolo morning bring my girl to pri sch for prepartory course. Then after that maybe bring her for another movie. Maybe after that go library. Going library is my daily routine. I dont even know which books i have borrowed before. Today i borrowed 48 books in total. I think my girl has cleared half of them already. So tomolo have to return and borrow new ones. Very tiring daily job of carrying books. But the kids are happy when i came home with new library books and those quest cards from library.

Meet up

Today met sandra, alice and kathleen for tea and chit chat. Had a very good chit chat session for a few hours. Hope to meet up with some others also. But sometimes really difficult, as my free time and others free time always different.



Sunday, December 02, 2012

San san dentist visit

Today brought san san to gpa dental at united square. My san san first visit to dentist. The dentist is quite nice. Very patient. Show her all the tools, let her hold the tools. Then show her how the tool is use. But san san is very stubborn and strong willed child. So despite the dentist being very nice, she still kick up a big fuss. Once the tool gets inside her mouth, she start to cry and scream and yell. And we got to help to held her hands in position, and she will start to kick. Haha. But she got the hole in the tooth filled up. Hopefully she will start to brush her teeth. But very difficult, becoz after that she still say she is not going to brush her teeth. Leng leng seen the dentist also. Do washing for teeth. She is ok. just that she seen san san screaming so badly, so she thought it is a horrible experience. but after that she finds everything ok. Everything add up, the total damage for today is 300 bucks.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Tooth decay

San san has a hole in one of her tooth. I think tomolo we have to bring her to see dentist. Result of her own stubborness, refused to brush her teeth properly. Sometimes she for show take tooth brush and act like brushing, but she din brush. So now she has to face the consequences. And she need to see tcm for her stomach also. Already more than one week, but her frequency of passing motion is still a bit too many. After every meal, she will pass motion. Though she dont complain of stomachache already,but the stools are still quite mashy. Each day she eats five meals, and she will pass motion five times. Three main meals and two snack times. I guess time for the tooth fairy to come and colect her tooth.

Very nice movie

Rise of the guardians. Very nice movie. Good story. Meaningful. Children will like. Even for me, someone who dont really like to watch animations, like this movie also. If compare to lorax, this is even better. Very special plot, how they put all these children favourite characters together and have a story. Santa claus, tooth fairy, easter bunny, sand man, jack frost. A must watch movie. I brought san san and leng leng to watch today at northpoint. And leng leng enjoyed the show alot. Certain part she find funny and will laugh. San san only watch the front part, after that i saw her hugging the popcorn and fell asleep. And when the show coming to an end, she suddenly woke up and start to watch again. The part where she fell asleep with the pop corn box in her arms looks so funny. Leng leng love the show so much that she say she want to watch a second time. It was a really nice nice show.children enjoyed the show, but they are still not able to understand the bigger meaning in the show. I think slowly they will appreciate more. I like the way they try to put the "belief"/"faith" message across. We are what we believed. If we choose to believe in the bad things, the bad things will come and stay in us. And we will not see the good things anymore. Only when you believe in something then you will be able to "see" that something. We should always have this faith and belief in us, if not there will only be darkness and no hope. It is a choice, to believe in the correct things and choose to be the correct person. In the show, jack frost finding his own identity and from disbelieving to fighting his way to become the guardian. One of the guardians for the children of the world. Certain part of the show is very touching. Good movie.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Thinking of bringing my girls to watch movie tomolo since my lesson is cancelled last min. Thinking of watching rise of the guardians.but i think the timing my san san may fall asleep inside. But dont have better timing, and dun want to travel to other cinemas though price may be cheaper by half. I think i dont have that kind of energy level to bring them taking public transport here and there. Northpoint should be a better option. But pay more for the tickets.see how tomolo.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012




心里有很多话想说。 但是却不能用「说」的。 没有很在意是不是有人在听。 其实已经很习惯自己成为唯一的聆听者。 毕竟让自己成为最了解自己的人并没有什么不好。 有些事说出去也挺没意思的。 听的人如果没用心, 还倒不如不说。 没有开心,至少不至于不开心。


今天重温了一集「我可能不会爱你」。 「李大仁」真的就是"理想情人"的化身。 每个女人都希望身边有一个这样的人。 但是我常常想,这个可以"聊一聊"的人如果真的就变成了自己的另一半以后, 还会不会是最初的那个知己? 可能就不再是那个你有事情想聊一聊的对象了。 这个「李大仁」的位置或许只能处于一种暧昧关系。


My views on these two days, the smrt prc drivers strike news. An irresposible act. There are some people who say these people are brave etc. dare to fight for their rights etc. yah yah the expense of others. This is just not right. What happen to the commuters? So if teacher also like that, not happy not happy go on strike can or not? So students just leave one that can? Is that call bravery?sorry lor...i dun agree. These people i am sure before they came already know what is the pay like. So if you accept the terms and conditions, you come. If you dont agree, dont come. Dont come liao and start to compare. Comparing is endless. And also please compare apple to apple. You got free lodging, malaysian dont have. So they have higher pay cannot meh. Why you not happy?rental in spore is not cheap also, so everything add up, pay more or less the same lah, so please dont ask too much. And your driving skills sucks. If you want more pay, can, please go and make sure you understand spore traffic rules and correct way to drive. Here is not u like to turn u turn, no people can just drive. Follow traffic rule ok. I dont mind paying a bit more for safety, but for poor quality service like this, i think you go back home better. 对事不对人。just my views.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Always sick

Why always sick....if i divide the number of days in a year, half the time i am its like one week sick, one week well, follow by another week sick, another week so tired.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bad flu

I am down with bad flu. Cough. Stuffy nose. Sore throat. Still have medicine from last month doc visit. I took the same medicine and see how. San san still no appetite to eat. Drink only a bit water. Watery stools. But fewer times already. Still in bad mood. But yesterday night, she still dance for the childcare graduation concert. Intially i want to keep her at home. But the teacher and principal phone me, say she is very important in the concert and they will take care of her. Will change diapers for her etc. so i say ok. Luckily she din faint during dance. She has not eaten for 3 days already. And with so little fluid intake, i think she is going to be dyhadrated. But her character is so strong, very difficult to get her to eat or to drink.if still like that, very soon we have to send her to hospital for drip.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Seen pd

Just bring my san san seen pd. this morning she woke up and start talking nonsense, scare me. Asking me to carry her high high so that she can see animals. Then keep pointing at curtain say want to see whatever. And say got lizard on ceiling when there isnt any. I suspect she is having fever and her mind in state of confusion. Put all those previous images together and say. On the way to pd, she pass motion. Say stomachache. Watery stools. I got to buy diaper from ntuc and wet tissue. And change for her at the clinic toilet. I think for the next few days, have to put her on diapers just in case she suddenly pass motion. After seen doc, buy some milo, corn flakes from ntuc. She din eat breakfast, no appetite, so i guess she can eat abit of the milo later. Since she cannot take milk now.just fed her another round of medicine. She is sleeping now. My leng leng is in sch today.


My san san after i fed her the fever medicine, vomitted again. All the mediicne came out. I dont know if i should give her another round of new medicine or not. I think i moniter and see how. If not feed again, throws up again, then no use also.i think i dont need to sleep liao since a few more hours the morning sun will rise.

Not eating

My big girl has not been eating for the past one week plus. Really no eating. Din eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. She has got total no appetite. I really afraid she will faint from hunger. But luckily she still willing to drink. So she drinks about 3 packet of milk per day. But those children milk in small packet. She is already so skinny, now even worse. Sometimes i can feel that she is hungry, but she refuse to admit so, and she refuse to take in any food. If we force her to eat, her face will turn pale, and she will cry. If we dont force her, all ok. Except that she will reach a stage whereby she will have no strength and no energy to do things. Probably just lie there, because of hunger. I really dun know how to deal with her. I shall wait another two days. After friday graduation concert, if she still give me this kind of nonsense, i will really force her to eat. How can go without food for weeks.

Busy night

I shall just keep myself awake for another one hour, since san san medicine time is near. Just now she vomitted. And i have to clear the mess and change the bedsheet. Luckily there is mattress protector. So now i am doing washing and at the same time waiting for her next medicine timing.Her stomach also not too good. She had watery stools. Three times already. Fever is very high. Even after medication. So i have to be really careful. Have to moniter her every hour. Fever plus vomitting plus watery stools, seems like a stomach flu virus.......tomorrow have to bring her see doc. Cannot bring my mum and little june out liao. Friday is concert day....dun know she will be ok to perform or not. Recently the whole family sick one after another. Currently my sis in law having hfmd. Should be the same virus that we kena two weeks ago. So we din go over my in law house since last weds. Have to wait until next week then can go over. But same virus, probably will not kena twice. Read from somewhere, hfmd is like dengue, got a few different virus type. Kena one type, next time will not kena the same type again. But really very suay right....keep falling sick...but also can consider lucky as sickness all come at this time, which is one of my most free timing. Sch holidays. I dont have much lessons this period. Can have more time look after them and of coz recover from my own sickness.


用眼睛看到的世界真的很小。 是真的。 用心看到的世界很大。 是真的。

San san fever

Just discover san san having fever. So sudden. Was still wondering why she is not sleeping yet. I think she was feeling very hot, thats why cannot sleep. I just fed her fever medicine. Will check on her again 4 hours later. Have to set my alarm. Still thinking tomolo bring my little june back. Now seems like not gd to do so. See how tomolo morning. I supposed to bring my mum and little june out to walk walk see see.

Psle result

Psle result releasing soon. Hope my two students can both get A for chinese.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


最近好像什么都有点失调,特别是免疫系统。 生病的频率已经失控。 而且说来就来,已经可以在几个小时内发作。 感冒变成家常便饭。 不知道是不是每个月的这个时候最容易生病。 感觉就是喉咙怪怪的,咳嗽又来袭。 希望能够控制住。 因为最近我的心情变差,脾气变坏, 什么都失调。

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


阿莲已经在医院待产了。 再过几个小时应该就会传来好消息了。 欢迎她加入"妈妈"行列。 不得安眠的夜晚才刚刚开始而已。 辛苦了!


想活在当下, 好难。 不想过去,不想未来, 好难。 真的就不是想做就能做到的。 原来“当下”只是某些人的专利。 不管后天怎么努力都斗不过与生俱来的能力。

Monday, November 19, 2012


最近有以前教过的学生要结婚了,也有学生大学毕业。 人生的道路每个人一路走来都不同。 有的辛苦一点,有的轻松一点。 不管怎样,风雨过后总能见到彩虹。 我一直都认为一路走来更艰辛的人,会比其他平顺一生的人更懂得珍惜。 因为要走不一样的路,需要多大的决心,一般人难以想象。 最后做到了,一切的辛苦都值得。 我相信这位学有所成的学生将来一定能凭她的毅力和决心,克服其他困难。 因为那一年,我看到她眼神中的斗志。 那么坚定的信念,那么长时间的坚持。 她的成功是因为她能坚持下去。 这样的精神不是什么人都能做到的。 我也希望她将来的路能走得更平顺,更踏实。 因为辛苦过了,也该是苦尽甘来的时候了。 继续加油!

Living in the moment

I like this phrase. "Living in the moment". "Moment"--当下。 活在当下。 "Yesterday is gone.tomorrow has not yet come.we have only today. Let us begin."---mother teresa.

Flight or fight

My big girl seems to be so stressful with whatever thing, i suspect its the concert. Today is the rehearsal for the concert and she cry when going to school. She has not been eating well for the past one week. She skip almost all her dinners. I know the feeling of being scare of standing infront of everyone. I used to be this kind of kid when i was young, but how young or when did situation gets better, i dont remember. But i dont think i have a choice, when it comes to flight or fight, i am always left to fight. But nowadays, kids seems to choose flight very naturally. Regardless of how frightened i was last time, i think i am always stuck with fight, maybe if i had a choice, i would choose flight as well. How should i make her be more resilient?i reassure her so many times that it doesnt matter if she did well or not. As long as she do her best its gd enough. I am not those kind of kiasu parents. Most important is try, even if try and failed, also nevermind.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


又到了这个时候。 穿了三件裤子,还是弄脏了。 真的很烦。害我头疼得厉害。还把晚餐都吐了出来。 越来越没有分寸的生理期。 累死我了。


昨晚看的一部新电影。 寒战。 蛮喜欢这类型的戏。 比起一般影片,已经算是很紧凑的一部。 但是我是真的很容易倦怠的人。 所以再紧凑的影片,也会让我在间中有闷的感觉。 这部电影应该还有两个续集吧? 应该是像「无间道」那样的。 自己也稍微做了一点猜测。 到底"幕后黑手"是谁? 有几个小细节好像可以找到一些线索, 但是我还摸不出头绪。 倒觉得刘德华饰演的角色蛮可疑的。 那句"非常时期,用非常手段"感觉怪怪。而且他每次出现都给人一种"全知"的感觉。 好像事事都在他的意料之中。常常流露一种"事不关己"的态度。太平静反而显得怪异。 个人的感觉。 再来就是彭于晏饰演的角色手指部分的小动作, 也许只是要呈现这个人物内心世界的某个状态。 但是还是很可疑。还有结尾出现的那两本书。一本是父亲手中的,一本是儿子手中的。 是两本不同的书。父亲的那本,书名忘了。但是儿子手中的那本是「shadow warrior」, 好像是说一个正面人物后来变成反面人物,然后尽做些坏事,挑战正义之士。我的感觉是,这两本书分别象征"正"和"邪"。一个正义的父亲,和一个反面的儿子。而且那句"所有战争都是可以避免的不必要战争",似乎在暗示什么。最后梁家辉饰演的角色又纠正了这句话"不是所有的战争都是不必要的"。也就是说"寒战"也许是个必要的战争。对于男主角来说却不是。第一,因为他不觉得有必要为了争权夺利而开战。第二,没有必要为了一件挟持案而把国家放在一级戒备壮况下。所以他一开始才会说"寒战"这个代号是错误的。但是我不认为梁家辉饰演的角色是幕后黑手。我认为另有其人。但是我又不能不怀疑他和彭之间的关系。最后父子对峙的戏,有太多小细节。是不是父子之间的默契已经超越了言语?是不是通过动作,眼神就能传递消息?还有在书的某一页折角,又是什么意思呢?彭在狱中的那个表情也很怪异。打的那几声响指好像也有意思。 但是我还弄不清楚幕后黑手的目的是什么。那么大费周章为了什么,我还没理出头绪。因为不可能是鸡毛蒜皮的小事,但是大事我又想不出来。唯一有可能的是一种理想的精神世界。因为彭于晏饰演的角色是一个智商非常高的人。看起来就像有点神经质的那种。应该会想些奇奇怪怪的事,而且符合他人物形象。而幕后黑手可能也是这样的一个人。所以他们的精神状态相似。应该对世界或国家有某一种他们认为是合理的观念。而这种观念在一般人眼中就是恐怖主义。如果按照这样的线索来说故事,情节就合理化。不然很难想出什么原因使他们策划这一系列的事情。如果是为了小仇小爱,也未免太肤浅了。应该是一种形而上的思想观念。所以才有这么多自愿的牺牲者或者同谋。如果是为了权力或利益,很容易众叛亲离,不可能那么多支持者。只有信仰或某种精神方面的追求,才有可能造就一群无怨无悔的信徒。这只是我个人的猜测。也可能是我的想象力太丰富了。说不定故事就真的只是为了小情小爱。


有些事情过去了就算了。 但是偏偏会有这样的人,喜欢旧事重提。 只记得别人的种种不是。没有留任何余地让人解释。 觉得全天下的人都负了他,把失败归咎于别人的不义。 就算对方真的有错的地方,难道你没有曾经犯过类似的错误而不自觉吗? 世界不是为了你而转的。 懂得为自己的失败找借口和理由, 怎么就不能把这样的权利给那些你认为负了你的人? 当然要做个大器之人谈何容易, 要懂得如何不生气,怎样释放所有的怨气。 很怕遇见小女人和小男人。 因为这些人想的事情,永远都是最无谓的。 要明白,不是所有的付出都会获得相应的回报。 不是每件事情都能顺着自己的心意完成。 那些成功的人也未必是因为很努力的结果。 难道就因为这样,就要自怨自艾,就要认为老天对你最最最不公平。 这样的你,好像认为自己已经是世界的中心。 因为把自己放大,放得太大而看不见别人,连自己也膨胀到看不见了。 其实每个人都很渺小, 就算是自己活在自己的小宇宙里有什么不好? 最起码不会变成讨人厌的自大狂。

Friday, November 16, 2012


忘了今天是星期五。没戏看。 莫名的失落。

Kns style

I hope someone can stop this gns style thingy. It seem more like a kns style to me. If tv and computer games poison the minds of young children,this kns style do more damage ok. Stop promoting it. And i am not against kpop,in fact i have nothing against pop culture. But please choose those meaningful ones to promote.esp. The autorities ok. There are other more meaningful kpop than this kns style right. The attention given to this idiotic dance is too much. I think it create more stress than relieve stress.i know many people do not agree with me, but doesnt matter. This is how i feel about the whole kns style.To me it is just kns. And more kns to come i know. And i know my girl graduation concert is also going to have this kns, and i hate this!


看戏有时候需要思考,有时候纯粹娱乐。 看现在一般的偶像剧,不能用脑。因为不好看。如果用脑,直接想就可以了,何必看。 我好像看太多偶像剧,影响到我的思考能力。不过我真的有过这样的能力吗?我自己也很怀疑。 但是看太多会脑残,这是真的。


现在脑子突然之间变得非常活跃。 想到台湾偶像剧剧情为什么总是那么讨人厌。 是编剧有问题吗?干嘛把好好的一部戏拖到80集。 而且总是在大家都知道会发生什么事的情况下,真的就让那几个无关紧要的人出来闹场。 见好不收变成通病。在这点上,港剧就很到位。总是见好就收。但是港剧也有它的特色,喜欢就是特点,不喜欢就是缺点。通常结局都在意料之中。这没什么不好,总比某些戏做到最后不知道在做什么。与其说有创意,不如说是不负责任,或者担不起责任。为了迎合观众,或为了怕不能迎合观众,给了一个没有结局的结局。这种最讨厌。当然台湾偶像剧和港剧都没有这样的问题。发现港剧的特点,人物不会节外生枝,但是人物性格总有转变。不是好的变成坏的,就是恶的变成善的。再来就是故事题材不是医生就是律师,再不然就是警察,或是商场竞争。反正就是演戏演"全套"。最近也看了两部和警察有关的。当然我是被动式看港剧的,因为家里有人爱看。戏就一定要这样演,明明就是一个十恶不赦的人,开枪把他的头打爆,不就得了。但是就要先喊一声:"警察,别跑。"很白痴对吧,还叫人别跑。是在提醒他要跑吗。或者明知道他下个步骤就是跑,还说出来干嘛。这一招叫"打草惊蛇",差不多所有的有警察的戏都少不了。而且还不分国籍。当然我不是不能理解在动作上需要有这样的安排。想象一下,警察走到罪犯身边,悄悄的,一句话也不说,省略"打草惊蛇"这一招,直接来个扣上手铐,没有交流,没有互动。这样有戏看吗?看不到精彩,弄不出高潮,当然也不会有人在那里碎碎念。但是这样好看吗?可以看吗?没看过,所以没感觉。但是光用想的,那画面就很无感。


最近要赶工。因为女儿的压力问题,我得在最短的时间阅读一切手头上寻获的书籍,希望能得到一些启发,让我更好地处理问题。她的问题就是我的问题。今天看的都是英文书。其实阅读英文书感觉上比较快能吸收理解。为什么呢?因为那些翻译成中文的书,整个读起来就很乏味,不知道是翻译的人有问题,还是我的问题。但是他的问题也是我的问题。今天读到这一段:there is no question that the things we think have a tremendous effect on our bodies. If we change our thinking,the body frequently heals itself.----c.Everett koop,MD,former surgeon general of the united states. 我们心里想的,真的会影响身体。所以「身心」总是连着用。当然想还是脑的工作,但是大脑不管想什么,想到某些事情,心还是会有感觉。心痛的感觉。感觉上,好像思考的还是心。不单是身体会受影响,整个人的气质也会。所谓「相由心生」,一个人是个怎样的人,很多时候他的一切从样子可以看出蛛丝马迹。想太多对身体不好,心不好想的东西就不好,对气质对身体,对什么都不好。我好像又开始语无伦次了。该睡了吧。晚安。


生活是实在的, 没有 如果。 如果,那就不是生活。


目前比较能吸引我的台湾偶像剧「真爱趁现在」。 第十一集,,距离结尾还有很长的一段路程。 到目前为止,还蛮好看的。再之后就很难说。 觉得戏里的女主角的性格,跟自己的个性有相似之处。 所以看了之后,会看到一些自己的影子。 指的是处理事情的态度和方法。 所以看这部戏,都把焦点放在她身上。 看了之后会分析如果自己处在同样一种情况, 会不会用同样的方式处理问题。 结果态度和方法都相近。 希望这部戏接下来的剧情不会令我倒胃。

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


My big girl may be having some signs of stress. Last year around this timing, she had a 'stomachache' problem. And after that very very bad enzema. And after that her concert day. And now she is having this no reason loss of appetite, tiredness, and stomachache. Exactly same as last year problem, and around same timing also. Next friday is her graduation concert. I brought her see doc today, but no sign of any problem. And for the whole day she was quite active. But when comes to night time, she became very tired. Then in the morning also very tired. But when she knows she is not going to school, she will suddenly become back to normal. Except for appettie. Since last night she has not been eating. She is not having fever, but body a bit warm. But sometimes in the morning, when i sent her to school, her hands are very cold and face n lips very pale.seems to be very scared. And just now i ask her anywhere pain, she say dun have. But she went to bed very early. 8.30pm she went into the room herself, and very quiet.i guess she is having some stress in school. Most probably is her concert. Really dun know how to manage her stress.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


很多台湾偶像剧看到一半就看不下去。 之前看的那些,很多看不下去。 勉强还在看的只剩「螺丝小姐要出嫁」。 早早就放弃的就是那部原本非常可以看的「剩女保镖」。 但是大概到了一半,就看不下去了。再好的戏也千万别拖到80集。 顶线应该是35,超过就很容易变成拖戏的感觉。 现在新加入观看的是「真爱趁现在」。但是因为也是长剧,我有预感到了30集,我就看不下去。 说不定还更早。 现在都在看一些综艺节目,谈话性质的节目。 希望会有更好的偶像剧。像我这种兴致和热忱很快就燃烧掉的人,看那种15集就结束的戏最合适。

Sickness months

Starting last mth, seems like everyone taking turns to fall sick. Last friday my san san had fever, so we din go jurong. And that was like 3 weeks the monsters din go jurong. Yesterday was the two big monsters pyjamas party in sch, so i brought little june back to join the fun and also because my parents going kusu island today. So little june stay over for one night. We just send her back to jurong just now. And now my leng is having a fever. Hopefully when she wakes up tomorrow, she will feel ok. She is not eating well, and seems very tired. Hopefully the sickness cycle will stop. Too much already.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012


我们的「白面包计划」开始进行。 应该要持续好多年。 但是是值得的。 有些事情必须有破釜沉舟的决心。 没有退路才能坚持。

a week of meetings

This week i dont have much lessons. Tomolo morning will go jurong. After that go library borrow books for the monsters. Then fetch them and send them to in law house. After that i will be meeting my chr ex collegues for dinner. Friday i will be meeting another ex collegue for lunch. I think for next week, my lesson schedule also very empty.

Friday, November 02, 2012


虽然已经很久没有在音乐界混,但是张克帆的歌声现在还是很赞。 难得的好歌声。 也刚看了小燕之夜,关于吴奇隆的那集。 很替他高兴,终于因为'四爷'爆红。 努力的人,最后一定会有成绩,也许需要花很长的时间证明,但是值得。 小虎队和红孩儿都在我青春回忆中。 希望这些伴随我走过青春岁月的歌手,都能闯出属于自己的一片天。

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Monsters falling sick

Leng and san seems to be falling sick. Fever. So i guess probably in another one or two days time, they will kena the spots also. But i still hope its just normal flu virus.


我是一个没有办法猜别人心里在想什么的人。 应该说我不喜欢猜,更不喜欢猜错的感觉。更加不喜欢需要为了不关自己的事而猜。 喜欢别人明说。好的或不好的都要明说。 要什么或不要什么都要明说。 因为我有时候神经比较大条,而且绝大多数的时候都不是心思细密的人。 没有可能一个眼神或一个动作或一句话, 就能透视对方的心思。我不可能做到。 所以不要因为我没有按照你心里想的做出回应而有怨气。 因为我不是那种懂得猜心的人。 我只有在听到很直接,很明确的指示后,才有可能收到讯息。 所以要我做出回应,一定要明说。

Sunday, October 28, 2012

More blisters

More blisters but on way to recovery. My hubby also just seen another round doc and confirmed hfmd also. So he is on one week mc. I am on way to recovery. Hopefully my two monsters will be spared from this hfmd virus.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Sick for the past 2 days. Hubby also. Fever and body ache. Yesterday spots appear on my hands and soles. Some blisters. Very itchy. And about 20 in total. Went to see doc again and confirm its hfmd. I think my brother also down with the same thing.i cannot walk today as my soles all with blisters. Every step is super pain.and very itchy. Until i cannot sleep.sighz....

Monday, October 22, 2012

昨夜做了一个梦。明明就是假的,但却非常真实。 梦见一位老朋友。 至少八年没见了。 这位朋友虽然是男生,但是却是在我的"姐妹"名单中。因为他的性向并不一般。 在梦里,他当时的一位朋友告诉我他这几年的状况。那位朋友跟我一点儿也不熟,但是在梦里却像很好的朋友。 他这几年好像没有过得很如意。像是招惹了一些麻烦事,好像工作也丢了。 因为这个奇怪的梦,我想在网上搜索他的消息。但是就是什么也找不到。没有脸书,没有电邮,什么也没有。 像人间蒸发。不知道为什么,我觉得有点儿担心。 朋友,你还好吗?虽然在梦里从你的好朋友口中得知这个惊人的消息,但是我知道这只是个梦,不是真的。 不管是不是真的,你依然是我的好姐妹。 在我心里,永远都是。

Hand foot mouth

My little June is down with hand foot mouth. Hfmd. This morning my mum phone me and say the spots appear. Dun know my leng and san will kena or not. They are also playing with june just over the weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully they wun kena. But luckily my tuition sessions are coming to an end as the primary sch exams are more or less finished. The whole of nov i should be quite free. So even if they kena, i will be able to look after them myself. Thursday and friday i will be going over jurong to look after june. And this week end, the two monsters will stay yishun.hopefully virus has not spread yet.

Friday, October 19, 2012


这几天,我很努力在控制我的惯性咳嗽。 西医的药上回看过还剩下不少,就在晚上睡前吃。 白天就喝"杏仁露",中药店卖的那种,矿泉水瓶子装着的。 从星期一开始喝,天天喝,有时候一次买两瓶。喝了几天,好像还蛮有效的。 有控制住,没有恶化的现象。 希望过两天会更好。希望这一次不需要看医生就能自己痊愈。 努力中。

House cleaning

Today's lesson is cancelled. So I spent the whole morning doing cleaning of house. From 9am until 1.30pm. Dead tired. Tasks accomplished:changing of bedsheets, that was like 1 king size, 1 queen size, and 3 singles. Sweeping floor, mopping floor. Wipe windows, clean 2 fans. I hate the dismantling part, very troublesome, still have to put back after that. Cleaning toilets and basins. And do laundry. After that had lunch and borrow books from library for the monsters. Now going library become my almost daily task. And each time have to borrow at least 24 books back. Their reading speed is unbelievable. I wonder if they really read them. I cannot even remember which are the books borrowed before. But when i borrowed the same one back, they remembered. And will grumble, say i keep borrowing the same books.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


好像又要开始新一轮的咳嗽。 非常讨厌。


今天早上,带魔头们到植物园走走。到Nie 的旧址看看。以前最喜欢到那个湖边看天鹅。今天去的时候,发现那条马路不见了。通往当年的学生休闲中心和餐厅的小马路不见了。那栋建筑物也不见了。湖还在,但是和以前不太一样。白色的天鹅也没有了,但是看见两只黑天鹅。和以往不同的是,现在湖边多了很多很多鸭子。还有水鸟。只是曾经熟悉的景物都变了样,很多感触,很多无奈。岁月不只催人老,连回忆都不能留给我们。

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Enjoyable dinner session

Had a great dinner session with suling and sanmin. We chat and gossip alot today. Planned to have another lunch together next month. Fixed on the o level chinese exam day. I guess they will be more free.

Free day

Tomolo is my free day. Morning time will bring my big girl to collect passport, after that walk walk, maybe go library. Then evening time, meeting suling and sanmin for dinner. My chr ex colleagues.thursday will be my another free day for this week. Will bring little june and my mum out. Maybe go temple and also walk walk see see. Tomolo my dad will be back from china tour. So fast 10 days over, hope he had a nice holiday.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Refresh knitting

Thinking of going hongkong end of nov. promised the monsters to go see mickey mouse. Previously i knitted two wool sweaters for them, but now i need another one for june, so i may start knitting another. But it has been more than two years i last touch my knitting stuffs. I cannot even remember the knit and purl. I need to refresh everything. I jus managed to do casing and one row of knit. Tomorrow i shall try to refresh the rest.not sure if i will be in time to complete before the trip. And the sweater i wanted to make for my mum is only halfway through. I need to go back and find my knitting teacher, if not i cannot continue. So i may sign up for the weekday afternoon knitting class at tanglin cc. Shall see how. If i get stuck with little june sweater, i may need to go back to the class fast fast. Hopefully i can do all by my own. I need to refresh my memory on knitting stuffs.

Sunday, October 07, 2012


刚看了「爱就是甜蜜」的大结局。 真的不喜欢。 人生有多少个十年, 在戏里,十年前的他们和十年后的他们,样子看起来都好像没变。 现实生活中的十年,不可能像这样。 我不喜欢这种用时间等待,用时间换幸福的感觉。 原本就不需要这样, 虽然说两个人在十年里,各自成长了很多。 但是我觉得错过的其实更多。 为什么幸福一定要是一种只能选其一的情况?

Earthquake at home

Today my girls are caned. I was at the kitchen washing dishes and i heard a loud sound, something collapse. Sounds like earthquake. My mum rush to see, i rush to see, my hubby rush to see. And in my room, the whole cabinet fell down. On the mattress. Even on the mattress the sound is already so loud like building collapse. And i am not exaggerating. All the things on the cabinet landed everywhere in the room. The two monsters each stand on one side, just slightly above the collapse cabinet. I was so relieved i didnt hearany crying sound. My little june was very lucky. She was not sitting near the cabinet, if not she will be very seriously injured. She was sitting nearthe room door. My hubby caned the two monsters and make sure they realised what is wrong with their actions. How did that cabinet collapse?the two girls open the cabinet drawer and sit inside the drawer. The two girls weight caused the whole cabinet to fell.and very lucky, they somehow, which i dun know how, manage to jump out in such a short time. Very unbelievable, because there is such a high chance they will be trap under the cabinet. And i guess it must be my grandmum protecting them. Because my grandmum potrait was place on top of the cabinet. My mum was so scared that june was hit by the cabinet, when she saw her sitting by the side of the door, she was so relieved. My girls are really behaving more and more like monsters, each day coming up with new ideas of creating havoc.i really hope they learned their lesson today. I cannot imagine what will happen if the collapse cabinet hit any of them. I know my grandmum must be watching over us, if not how can the girls not trapped under the cabinet.they are sitting on the drawer, and when the cabinet collapse, they would have been directly under it.




看了最新一集的「王子的约会」,觉得agnes 和蔡闵佑还蛮登对的。 可惜女生灭灯了。我觉得她太早灭灯了。"吃"只是一件小事。就算另一伴爱吃美食,自己不爱,也不会有什么大问题。 最重要的还是兴趣和对生活的态度。当然个性方面也要match. 不知道为什么总觉得这位歌手似乎对这位女生情有独钟。觉得他看对方的眼神真的就很不一样。 应该是早就决定要选她,但是没想到对方却没为他留灯。 觉得真的很可惜,因为他们两个人感觉好登对。

Friday, October 05, 2012


其实是昨天看的。 铜雀台。 但是还是觉得有「满城尽带黄金甲」的感觉。 没有留下任何思考点。 只是觉得苏有朋演得还蛮不错。 不是一部会让我留下印象的影片。 过几个月,我很可能把这部片子彻底忘记。 有点失望,可能对这部影片有过高的期望。


今天无意间听到几个中学生的对话。 "I only write one name 小明。" 应该是刚考完华文试卷一。 反正就觉得小明是很可怜的人物。 不知道从哪个年代开始,他就注定有悲惨的命运。 除了生病、被车撞、打架、被罚、还有大大小小的意外事件,甚至死亡,全部都是他的命运。 怎么好事总没他的份? 这也太可悲了。 孩子的名字绝对绝对不能取小明。

Thursday, October 04, 2012


刚看了最新一集的「姐妹淘心话」。 节目来宾是吴宗宪和康康。 对节目中的一句话很有感触。 "没有谁最红。只有当下最红。" 是的"当下"非常重要。十年前最红的,现在可能惨兮兮。 如果在圈子里弄不懂这个道理是很可悲的。 这就是流行文化。 就算不是在圈子里,人生的运作不也是这样吗? 你还能够是十年前的你吗?不管是想或不想,都不能后退。 人生只能往前,一条直线。不能后退的直线。 青春过了就是过了, 对谁来说都一样。 所以没有谁最美,也只有当下谁最美。 谁都会被另一个谁取代。 没有必要争这个"最"。 所以当下的你,做的决定不需要顾虑这个"最"。 "最"就是一个负担。 只要当下是快乐的,是做你想做的, 人生的路,回过头看,就不会是遗憾。

Wednesday, October 03, 2012


今天有空,看了犀利人妻电影版的最终回。虽然我没追看电视剧,但是知道故事内容。隋棠真的很漂亮,很有气质。很喜欢最终的结局。因为不应该为了一个出轨的男人而放弃自己想要的幸福。男人只要有一次出轨的记录,就很容易成为惯犯。所以凭什么要接受一个这样的人?一家团圆就一定是大团圆结局吗?可以原谅出轨的老公,但是绝对不能重新接受这样的人。所以我是属于那组支持剧中女主角勇于追求新恋情的人。我相信有不少人会想要女主角跟前夫破镜重圆,但是我觉得这样对女性真的很不公平。为什么女性就要吃回头草?牺牲了半辈子的人生,难道就不能过自己想要的生活?当然前提是新的情人一定要能接受对方的孩子。因为怎么说,都要照顾到孩子。但是也不能因为孩子就放弃追求幸福的权利。其实两者是可以兼得的,至少在戏中是如此。 希望现实中的谢安真,能够很快走出情伤。那个不懂得珍惜她的人,错过了本来属于他的幸福。她值得拥有更好的,一个懂得疼惜她的人。加油吧,隋棠。

Tuesday, October 02, 2012


今天到一个家庭上课。孩子的母亲忘了我今天要过去,把孩子带出门了。我就得等他们回来。家中的老人家向我吐苦水。说她的孙子,(也就是我的学生的哥哥,当然也是我的学生,只是小六会考刚过了,所以我不用再给他上课。)对他们两老很不礼貌,骂他们,赶他们回去印尼,还向他们扔电视遥控器。我有亲眼目睹他对两老的态度,也教训过他,但是这种已经根深蒂固的不良价值观,没办法纠正过来。因为这个孩子的母亲,也就是我的其中一个老板,已经把孩子宠坏。他不做我的功课时,这位母亲也拿孩子没辙。这位母亲对我的态度还不错,但是对两老的态度却不好。可能觉得他们过来跟儿子住,干扰了他们夫妻的生活。这个我就不清楚了。但是那位奶奶说着说着就眼眶红了。她说如果不是丈夫病了,要到新加坡治疗,他们才不过来受气。孙子嫌他们是累赘,害他不能出国旅行,又说他们花家里的钱,想害他们破产。还说他们想跳楼想破产是他们的事,不要害他。如果我有这样的孩子,我会把他打到在地上爬。我绝对不允许我的孩子对家中长辈无礼。上一次家婆说大女儿骂她,我回家后就狠狠地鞭了她。老二也一起鞭,因为她也惹老人家生气。我可是真的很用力鞭,经过那一次之后,她们再也不敢对家婆不礼貌。孩子如果小的时候不教,长大后就会变成像我这个学生一样,要教也教不来了。不能因为爱孩子就放纵他任意妄为。我觉得这位母亲真的没有尽责,对老人家这种恶劣的态度,她以后也一定会有像她这种恶劣的媳妇。她怎么就忘了自己有两个儿子。将来就换她被媳妇折磨了。儿子照顾母亲是天经地义的事,儿子带母亲看电影,她也不高兴,还给老人家脸色看。如果我老公要带家翁家婆出去,我是高兴都来不及。本来就应该儿子带父母出去走走。但是我老公对这种事情一点都不上心。我只能有时候出门回来买点好吃的给家中长辈吃。回北部就买给家翁和家婆,回西部就买给自己的母亲,当然还有老爸和老哥。当然我还没有到能够很自然和家婆出去的那种关系,毕竟不是自己的母亲。所以我常常叫老公多花时间和他们说话。那位奶奶说着自己媳妇的不是,说着媳妇每天给他们两老脸色看,不和他们说话,还和孙子说他们的坏话,害孙子很讨厌他们等等。她说自己的小儿子以前来新加坡念书时,这个媳妇还叫他去洗厕所。这个儿子看见自己的大嫂这个样子都不敢结婚,怕娶到一个不好的太太,让老人家受罪。但是这个奶奶的大儿子,也就是我学生的老爸是不错的。不是溺爱孩子的那种,孩子也挺怕他。只是因为工作关系,常不在家。非常忙碌。老人家也没有把孙子和媳妇对他们的态度说给儿子听,因为不想儿子为了这事情和老婆吵架。之前有一次儿子看见太太准备早餐,就只准备了他们自己的,没有准备两个老人家的,很不高兴。质问太太,两个人为此吵架。从此以后,老人家就对儿子说不要管他们两老是否有东西吃,他们要吃什么会自己买,不要再为了这种事和老婆吵架。其实老人家真的也是有苦难言,不能对儿子说,不想儿子为难。我只能跟她说,自己的儿子好就行了,媳妇好不好,不是我们能控制的。就像女婿一样,好的女婿就变成半个儿子。但是一切还得随缘,强求不来。看见那位奶奶说得哽咽,我好想给她一个拥抱,但是怕那位母亲带孩子回来看见了,可能又会生事端。所以只能用言语安慰她。像她说的,人在做,天在看。心肠不好的,将来必有恶报。我真的还蛮不爽的。还蛮想不帮这位母亲的小儿子补课。但是这个小儿子其实还有得救,因为明年才要上小一。如果我现在对他进行强化品德方面的教育,他应该不会变成他哥哥那种鬼样子吧?他应该会对两位老人家比较好吧?这样老家人也会很欣慰。要找一些有意思又不说教的教材才行。 其实如果娶一个不好的媳妇,还不如让儿子一辈子不结婚更好。何必找罪受。所以我也常跟老妈说,老哥到现在还没交女朋友,但是真的急不来。生活中很多坏媳妇的例子,大家有目共睹,难道为了让老哥结婚,就将就,就随便找个外国新娘之类的吗?我可不同意,我老哥要找,一定要是好的,也一定要对老爸老妈好。婚姻大事绝对要慎重起见。

Monday, October 01, 2012


学生说今天的会考试卷还蛮容易的。 太好了。希望这两个学生都能考得好。 我的任务算是暂时完成。现在只要把重点放在其他学生身上就行了。 小六的学生可以放长假了。 我还有一个「回收」的中四生。 至少也得让她拿个B才行。


严爵<暂时的男朋友>。 好听。


今天买了一套新的三国光碟。 我相信市面上所有的三国版本我应该都有了。 我太习惯看那套卡通版的三国了,所以这一套最新的真人版的三国我还真的是不知道它的存在。 感觉很有现代感。但是后面注明nc16,不知道适合学生看吗? 其实我是想借给学生看才买的。 假期快到了,可以让学生在假期里看看有意思的光碟。 可以放松,也可增进知识。 不知道为什么,在这么多名著里头,我对三国最有感觉。 女生应该会喜欢红楼梦吧?但是我却不喜欢。 就是喜欢三国,也喜欢这种战略性质的电脑游戏。 也许这就是为什么我养不出像公主一样的女儿。

Planning holidays

Promised the monsters will bring them to disneyland this year, before leng go pri one. So have to be these few months. Maybe this month end. But i have yet book the package yet. But we go holiday always very last min. Just cannot fix date too far away. So normally is book and travel within two weeks time. Cannot see things beyond two weeks. This time will go with my parents, brother, hubby and 3 monsters. So cannot go too far and no money to go so far also. Will go hongkong disneyland, but with tour group as got kids and old folks. Go with tour group easier to manage.hopefully there is a cheap and good package.


不知道别人是怎么把女儿养成公主的。很多我认识的人,他们的女儿都是一种典型的公主相。 就是眼睛大大,头发长长,打扮得像个洋娃娃。 穿着美美的公主裙。说话也娇声细语,真的就是个公主。 可是自己的女儿怎么养都是村姑。 就算穿着公主裙,也不像公主。 说话大声,行为粗鲁,尤其是老二,更像男孩。 惹她生气,就是一个打人的动作。最近又进化成挥拳的动作。 同样是养女儿,怎么就养成了村姑。 我像村姑吗?

Friday, September 28, 2012

家 Vs 花

刚看了一集台湾谈话性质的综艺节目。 主题是红粉知己。 节目结束前,任爸说的一句顺口溜还蛮有趣的。 「老婆是家,红粉知己是花,下班回家,别忘了浇花。」 我觉得红粉知己是可以接受的,只要界线划分得清楚,然后百分之百不越界。 但是红粉知己如果是花,也有不同总类的花。 像白玫瑰,红玫瑰,百合,牡丹,菊花。。。。。。 有些是可以单纯做知己的,但有些不行。 所以只有在遇见对的花的时候,才有可能维持这种纯友谊关系。

Thursday, September 27, 2012

这几天,还有接下来的几天都忙。 小六的华文考试是下个星期一。 所以又到了恶补的时候。密集补课。 忙完这几天,就稍微轻松些。但是少了两个学生,收入也少了。 但多出来的时间,可以用来督促魔头学习。 下个月就要买课本了,好快。再过三个月,魔头伶就要上小一了。 我的魔头伶长大了。


不知道为什么这几天,看偶像剧总是有问题。 但是综艺节目却没问题。沦落到只能看所有的综艺节目。 先把想看的偶像剧搁在一边,等到能够看的时候,才一口气看完。 刚才听了严爵的新歌「暂时的男朋友」。还蛮好的。歌词也很有感觉。 真的很不错。他的动作好快,已经第三张专辑了。怎么写歌的速度这么神速。

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


这两天都无法好好看偶像剧。 每次看到一半就卡住,而且必须从头看起。哪有时间一直重复看。 索性就不看了。希望明天一切恢复正常,不然我又会累积更多集。这样又怎么看得完呢?


刚过去的星期六,在大雄家的聚会。 好久不见的旧同事们又聚在一起谈天说地。 很喜欢这种感觉。大概10年的友情。十年前,大家都还单身,现在多数都已婚,而且每次聚会都是一屋子的小孩。时间过得真快。想想真的要感谢某人。因为他,大伙儿才能这么团结。即使在那么多年后,即使大家都已各奔东西,但是还是能偶尔小聚一下。每一次小聚时都是充满欢乐的。总觉得如果把每一次聚会时,大伙儿的聊天内容记录下来,一定能够变成很精彩的剧本台词。期待下一个聚会。

Friday, September 21, 2012




太习惯某些人,某些事,会让自己停滞不前。 安于现状没什么不好,只是太习惯就把一切当成理所当然。 没有什么是理所当然的。 太习惯的时候,就会忘了很多应该表达的情绪。 应该要怎样怎样,但是最终却因为太习惯而没有了改变的动力。

Thursday, September 20, 2012


今天,好友的脚受伤了。 为了捉蜘蛛而跌伤,听起来很不可思议。 但是发生就是发生了。不可思议的事在真实的人生里也常发生。 需要三个月的康复期,真的很长的一段时间。 女人过了30,骨头似乎异常脆弱。 这已经是第三个受伤的朋友了。今年好像都发生一些和骨折有关的意外。 很邪门。而且受伤的都是女性朋友。 希望她能比预期的更早康复。 但愿在接下来的日子里,传来的都是好消息。


今天原本有一堂课,但是学生病了,所以我一整天便空下来了。 早上原本就已经决定到观音堂去,行程照旧。 过后到arts house走走,因为不久前看报纸时,看到有个以猫为主题的摄影作品展。 之后在到牛车水一带买老伴豆花。顺便买多一些回来让家中长辈尝尝。他们都没吃过。 然后就回家,把豆花放在冰箱,之后再出门。 先到电影院买戏票。只有两部还可以看的。选择了the theives. 但是韩语听起来比较没感觉。 是一部不太需要用脑的影片。看到最后感觉整个人是一种"脑残"状态。 其实影片还可以看,就是相似的动作看多了,就变得没感觉。看了也蛮消极的。 这种骗来骗去的情节,真的还不是很喜欢。人性是丑陋,但看了之后,感觉像末日。 我还是比较喜欢看到希望。 看完电影之后,再到图书馆帮魔头们借书。 现在,图书馆已经成为我每天必须经过的一个地方。 有时候是还书,有时候是借书。 这个星期我差不多每天都在还书和借书。 今天借的书,明天就要还了,因为魔头们要看别的书。 每天都要把差不多20本书扛回家,另一天又要再扛到图书馆。 魔头们还真会折腾人。

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


这几个月,我真的就是夜猫子。 也许也只有像我现在这样的工作性质,才允许我在夜晚出来活动。 换成正常上班时间,这个时候如果不睡的话,另一天应该就会像行尸走肉,无法工作。 但是不得不承认,年纪大了,越来越承受不了这种属于年轻人的生活模式。 晚上这个时间,真的应该用来补充睡眠。 该睡了,晚安。


该追债吗?有个学生家长已经积累了大概三个月的补习费。 超过一千元了。该追吗?但是不符合我的个性,我真的很抗拒追债。


刚才我的魔头杉突然翻身,抬头,说了一串话。然后趴下,继续睡觉。 有时候魔头伶也会这样。我都还没睡,所以总是能听见她们说的不清不楚的梦话。 有时候是短短的几个字,有时候是一整段话,好像在复述白天说过的话一样。 但是也听不清楚究竟在说什么。 说不定我自己在半梦半醒时也会这样,但是又有谁知道。

Monday, September 17, 2012

This week events

This sat will be leng leng second orientation in primary sch. Quite alot of things to settle. And evening will be gathering at daxiong's house. Gathering and also his girl's bday celebration. I have not seen many of my old colleuges for quite long time. Looking forward to meeting them.


今天是阿莲的生日。 魔头们祝怪阿姨生日快乐。 还有两个月,宝宝就要和大家见面了。 我真的好期待见到阿莲的小宝宝。


这个月的亲戚没打招呼就来了。 而且还是超大的,像血崩。 不知道一觉醒来,会不会是躺在血泊中。 心情真的就是烂透了。

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


昨天刚看完了最后一集的「爱情闯进门」。很好看的一部偶像剧。因为节奏比较快,而且演员我全都不熟悉,还蛮有新鲜感的。可是发现剧情还蛮多不合理的地方。比如说陈玉茹怎么可能不怀疑尚林只是假装投靠敌营?为什么呢?因为如果他真的是个叛徒,照理琼,晴风和雨江又怎么可能撮合他和雅音?而且他们一起吃饭时,陈玉茹也在场。她怎么可能没察觉这群人对尚林的厌恶之意全然消失?所以这不合理。 昨天也有另一部戏结束了。「二分之一的童话」。因为报纸有稍微提到这一部,所以也看了几集。但是真的过不了那几集。不喜欢这样的戏。慢死了。虽然还蛮喜欢女主角,但是整个节奏我不能接受。所以只是大概看了前几集,再加上昨天的最后几幕,大概也了解故事。但是不是我喜欢的那一类型的故事。 接下来还剩下「剩女保镖」、「花是爱」、「原来爱就是甜蜜」,和「螺丝小姐要出嫁」。还有就是一些综艺节目。这些戏足够我消磨晚上好几个小时的时间。

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Meet up

Yesterday, met up with Janice, Mary . And also sandra. Have not seen Mary the longest time. So use to the short hair Mary, nearly cannot recognize her. Janice will be going Uk for 2 years studies. Wish her all the best and 早日学成归来。

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Cancel lessons again

I have already cancelled tomorrow afternoon lesson, as my flu is still here. If not virus will spread. Hopefully by saturday will be ok. But i think i will not go saturday evening event. Ex colleague's baby 100 days celebration. Should have alot of children around. My cough will be just starting cycle. In case my flu virus still around.i must be getting old, body system is not working well. Keep geting flu and cough. Now its another 3 months wait. Wait for my cough to recover again.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Sick again

Down with flu again. Just seen doc. Everything starts all over again.

Saturday, September 01, 2012


差不多快一个星期没写东西。 太懒了。当然还有因为不够用的时间。 最近看的偶像剧也不少。 每天平均花大概三个小时看戏。都是晚上睡觉前的那段时间。 每天都很忙。 星期四的时候碰巧有时间和旧同事吃午饭。 刚好那天是见家长日,所以他们早下班。 真的蛮怀念和他们一起度过的那两年半。 如果不是因为那个讨人厌的主任, 我应该就不会休假,也不会转校。 但之后的学校,也让我结交了很好的同事。 其实每到一个新环境,我都能交到很不错的朋友。 非常幸运。 下个星期也是很忙碌的一周。 除了星期四全天休假,其余的都是工作日。 看来要一直忙到九月尾,小六会考结束,才会比较有空。

Sunday, August 26, 2012


好像又有感冒的迹象,喉咙怪怪的。 怎么一回事?

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Today, the first orientation session for my girl. Went chongfu in the morning. The going to be pri ones all went classrooms, and parents stay in hall to listen to talks. Kinda of boring talks, like lecturing students. My girl is not nervous. Appear quite calm and she is a conformist. She listens to instructions and can follow instructions very well. Met my ex colleague. Her girl also same school as my girl. Hope they can be in same class. Saw a few PVs also. Bought three sets of uniforms, the smallest size. But the shoes all too big, need to get from the bata shop, as they have specific design for the shoes. Next orientation will be in september.


刚看完"最美的徒劳无功",真的就是太好看了。 诚意满满的一本书。 写剧本真的很不容易。 那么多细节需要注意。 如果书里没写出那些不为人知的事情, 恐怕这一辈子都不会发现其中的奥妙。 很喜欢。

Thursday, August 23, 2012


目前在看的是九把刀的电影剧本。 当然就是「那些年」的剧本。 书名为"最美的徒劳无功"。 很喜欢这个书名。因为一种矛盾中的美。 看书的时间不多,就是在巴士上,地铁上的那段时间。 通常不是听歌,就是阅读,再不然就是看偶像剧。 我的人生也有很多的"徒劳无功",但是美丽的却不多。 现在进行式的"徒劳无功"也不少,是美丽的吗? 自己也说不准。但更希望不会无功而返。


最近看书的收获。名人名言。 「婚姻是一座迷宫,即使是你亲手建造的,你也未必能找得到出口。」(彼得) 「夫妻好比同一把琴上的弦,他们在同一旋律中和谐地颤动,但彼此又都是独立的。」(纪伯伦) 「如果我不尽力按照自己的意愿去生存的话,我总觉得活着是很荒谬的事。」(沙特) 「不是苦恼太多,而是我们的胸怀不够开阔;不是幸福太少,而是我们还不懂得生活。」(汪国真) 「紫罗兰把它的香气留在那踩扁了它的脚踝上。这就是宽恕。」(马克•吐温) 「有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活着。」(臧克家) 「即使断了一条弦,其余的三条弦还是要继续演奏,这就是人生。」(爱默生) 「我要你知道,在这个世界上,总有一个人是等着你的,不管在什么时候,不管在什么地方,反正你知道,总有这么一个人。」(张爱玲) 「于千万人之中遇见你要遇见的人,于千万年之中,时间的无涯的荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了,那也没有别的话可说,唯有轻轻地问一声:"噢,你也在这里吗?"」(张爱玲) 「没有音乐,生命是一个错误。」(尼采) 「我将在茫茫人海中寻访我唯一之灵魂伴侣。得之,我幸;不得,我命。」(徐志摩)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Easily irritated

Today for no reason, just felt very irritated. Very easily irritated by things and people. Bad mood for no particular reason.sianz.

今天教了四堂课。差点累死。 还好明天比较轻松。 星期四也还好。 最近总在想些事情。 有的没的。 很想拥有的,难道一直想就能得到吗? 如果这样坚持下去,是不是有一天就能成功? 这些是自己真的想要的吗?

Sunday, August 19, 2012


昨天看了王力宏的演唱会。 觉得太多民族意识太强的歌曲。我不喜欢这些歌。比较喜欢他以前的那些情歌。 当然他的声音还是我很喜欢的。 在中场的时候,他突然从中间观众席的地方出现。引起一阵骚动,然后附近的观众都跑去握手。 他要一路走回舞台,可说是困难重重。花了一点时间才回到台上。不过裤子好像破了,从大银幕看,似乎是这样。除非是设计问题。可能是在回舞台的过程中被扯破的。还蛮喜欢舞台的特效。很用心。这样一场演唱会应该花了很多时间和精神。想想学校的一场小小的礼堂演出,就已经搞到精疲力尽,这样的壮观场面还不会要人命吗? 真的很佩服这些艺人。常常日夜颠倒生活,长期睡眠不足,又要每次以最佳状态出现在观众面前,到底是怎么做到的? 他出道也快20年了吧?希望他能够创作更多情歌,那种民族意识太强的歌曲真的不适合我的耳朵。

Saturday, August 18, 2012



Thursday, August 16, 2012

San san sick

San san down with fever yesterday. Today still not too well, but no fever already. Tomolo will bring her see doc, then have to buy balloons for the monsters, then have to collect leng leng bday cake. And back to the childcare centre to celebrate leng leng six years old birthday. Then we will go my mum house earlier. As tomolo is the first day of the 7th month. Tomolo the o level chinese mid year paper results will release. Hope my two students will get good results. And today the psle chinese oral just ended. Hope my two pri six students have done well.

Monday, August 13, 2012


今天要早睡。其实也不早了,但是对我来说,却是比较早睡的一天。 累。明天有四场补习,从早上九点半开始,下午两点半,然后五点,再来就是七点半。因为小六会考的关系。但是忙到九月尾,就会闲下来了。就这一两个月比较忙碌。


才23天就来报到的大姨妈。 你是疯了吗? 是不是嫌我不够累。


大魔头的生日快到了。 星期五会让她在学校和小朋友们一起庆祝。 明年到了小学,就再也没有这样的庆祝会了。 今年的小礼物都买好了。 也答应她买个气球,还有那种宠物气球。 今年的生日,应该会让她很难忘吧? 我的宝贝很快的,明年就上小学了。 明年,我要好好安排工作时间, 一定要有足够时间督促她学习。 教育真的很重要, 如果不看着她, 在'没政府'的情况下, 她一定整天玩电脑游戏。 我可不能让她虚度应该好好学习的时光。 当然玩乐还是必要的, 但一定要有节制才行。

Sunday, August 12, 2012


这一次的百日咳应该是告一段落了。 从五月尾,一直到八月中。还真的蛮准确的。差不多就是百日。 我看应该没有人像我这样,咳嗽能够咳三个月。 还好我不在学校教课,不然这种咳法,还能过日子吗? 请这些超强病毒都不要太靠近我。 别再有事没事就找上门。这样真的很累。

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Activities done today

Morning, bring the monsters to science centre plus omni theatre. Watch the arabia film. San san sleep throughout. Kind of boring show. Book tickets for 8pm show on the polar bears. Eat lunch at west coast plaza. After that go jurong, my mum house to nap. After that wake up, watch ndp on tv, and bathe monsters. After that eat dinner, go for 8pm show at omni theatre. After that come bk jurong. Tomolo the monsters childcare. Not opened, so have to leave all at my mum house, then i can go tuition. Very busy, psle oral coming, i have alot of extra lessons.


觉得学吉他很难,学钢琴也很难。 没有一样学得会。好惨。 刚才想练习一下,还没弹几下,魔头伶就说:"妈妈,你为什么敲吉他,不要敲,会坏的。" 钢琴更糟。老娘我不学了。 现在暂时不学,不代表之后不会再学。 真的就是到了瓶颈,东西永远进不去。 还是歇一歇,这一阵子也太忙了。 下个星期更忙。小六会考的口试快到了。 又得做最后的冲刺。


新加坡生日快乐! 47岁的生日。

Wednesday, August 08, 2012


喜欢梁文音唱的这首歌。。。。。。「我们」的歌词。 "爱是两个人从陌生走回陌生的旅程" 。。。。。。 "最痛的不是你走远了,是我又把我说成我们" 。。。。。。

Tuesday, August 07, 2012



Update on my recent cough

Now almost recovered. Left with 20 percent. Will still cough, but not as frequent. And its more under control type of cough.the most common thing that will trigger it is aircon. Esp those shopping mall one. And night time when sleep halfway wake up. Will also cough. And of coz, aircon in the room also.


最近在看的台湾剧。 有「剩女保镖」、「花是爱」、「原来爱就是甜蜜」、「螺丝小姐要出嫁」。 「剩女保镖」还蛮好看的。希望那种精彩可以持续,千万不要像之前那部「爱上巧克力」,只有前面20集可以看,之后的烂透了。是到目前为止看过最烂的剧本。逊毙了。竟然还可以拖拖拉拉,一直演到80集。太可怕了。

Monday, August 06, 2012


昨夜查了一下,确定不是初一或十五,才决定今天到观音庙拜拜。 谁知道快到目的地时,就感觉不妙。 怎么这么多人。比初一十五更可怕。 后来才知道是观音诞。有这么巧吗? 觉得这种人挤人的情况真的很危险。 尤其是有那么多老人在场。 其实他们应该考虑让公众有秩序地分批进入庙里拜拜。 这样会更有效率,也是最安全的做法。 拜拜之后,我到百胜楼逛逛。 买了三本特价书。很通俗的那种书。 开始看第一本。关于"换个心情看事情"。 当然这种书写得很有道理也很有说服力。 有真实例子,但是有时候要做到真的很难。 知易行难。 里面有意思的文字很多,很多伟人的名言。 例如法国哲学家孟德斯鸠说过:"假如一个人只是希望幸福,这很容易达到;然而,我们总是希望比其他人幸福,这就是困难所在,因为一般人坚信其他人比自己更幸福。" 很多时候真的是这样。世间没有绝对的幸福,也没有绝对的不幸。一个人过得快不快乐,真的就是在于他用什么态度来看待发生在自己身上的事。同样的事发生在两个不同人身上,一个可能把它当成危机,另一个则把它当契机。 一个其实没有那么不幸的人,就是要和其他人比较,而且自以为其他人一定比自己幸福,所以就越来越不幸福。 这是变相的"相对幸福"。因为幸福没有绝对的,只有相对的。但是拜托,请不要总是和看起来比自己幸福的人比较。难道你不知道在这个天大地大的世界里,万万千千,千千万万,这么多人里,你自以为的"绝对不幸"其实什么也不是。 如果你的是"绝对"不幸,那那些在世界上挣扎求存的人的不幸是什么? 相对的不幸也得比得公平啊。难道不是吗? 所以我知道自己是幸福的。 因为一路走来,不管是学业还是感情,都不太顺利。但总是在错过后,不幸后,真正的幸运才来到。 有亲人,有朋友,有孩子。和很多人比较,我有相对的幸福。 有些人的人生只有一次机会,但是在很多方面,我都有多过一次的机会。 所以要感恩。 因为曾经的不幸,才变得更幸福,才更懂得珍惜幸福,才懂得在幸福出现时,辨认出幸福的样子,能够及时捉住它。 很多时候幸福的样子其实就很平凡。 因为太平凡,所以常被错过,被忽略。 你有注意到身边平凡的幸福吗?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


刚和燕燕还有佳卉吃晚饭。 在乌节的鼎泰丰。 这是一年一聚, 因为燕燕每年也只回来一次。 虽然大家都不年轻了。 但是感觉还好像是昨天的事。 我们一起同窗的日子, 很遥远但是还很清晰。 虽然很久没见,但并没有丝毫的陌生。 好怀念以前念书的日子。 遥远的19年。 人生有多少个19年? 希望燕燕回澳洲后,一切顺利。 也希望明年的这个时候, 大家又可以一年一聚。

Friday, July 27, 2012

Long time no see

Yesterday went to hubby's convo and met xiumei. Have not seen her for quite a long time, really happy to see her.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


究竟病了多久了? 我的健康,你是不是还在? 你在哪里? 遗失在何处,曾经的健康。 快回来吧,我好累。 等你。

Monday, July 23, 2012


慢慢康复。 也许再一个星期就能恢复正常。 这几个星期真的太辛苦了。 虽然现在还在咳咳咳, 但是比上个星期好很多。

Friday, July 20, 2012

Still sick

Yesterday my cough sort of become worse. And i went to see thee western doc. So now i eat anti biotics, cough, flu medicine . And also the chinese medicine. And i cancel almost all my tuitions. So much things to do but cannot do....sighz...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cough and cough

More coughing. But i manage to only cancel one tuition. Hopefully tomorrow will be better... I need to get well faster.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Cancel tuition

I cancelled tonight tuition as my cough is quite bad. Cannot imagine myself saying a few words and start coughing. Endless. Hopefutlly tomorrow will be better,if not i got more sessions to cancel. Sighz.....


看了「半熟恋人」的最后一集。 很喜欢。 看了「原来爱就是甜蜜」第二集, 也很喜欢。

Sunday, July 15, 2012


昨天拖着病恹恹的自己和魔头们看电影。 原本试探着问:"妈妈生病了,不能带你们去看电影。" 第一个说话的竟然是魔头伶。 "可是你promise的,一定要去!" 魔头杉更绝。 "怎么办,妈妈会传染给我。" 好一群逆子,竟然一点同情心都没有。 害我在电影院里咳不停。 下次还有电影,休想我带你们去。 当然这也只是说说罢了。 重蹈覆辙是必然的。


魔头君已经喜欢上学了。 老妈说她早上,时间还没到就会嚷着:"要走了!" 真的是太好了。 想不到最快适应的竟然是她。


魔头杉的惊人想象力。 "我可以拿妈妈的盘盘吗?" "盘盘"指的竟然是胸罩。 哈哈。真有趣的联想。

Still sick

Still not very well. Like very heaty cough. Think need a few more days before will reach the normal cough stage. And after that the 100 days cough. Still a long way before i can be totally well again.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Falling sick

My girls seems like falling sick soon. Esp. My big girl. Really bad week. And i got this headache that even panadol cannot relieve. But energy level still ok. So i dun think its dengue this time. Very sianz

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I intend to bring the monsters for movie this sat. But not sure i will recover in time for the movie. They will be very disappointed if they din get to go. Need to collect san san spectacles on saturday also. She have to start wearing it everyday.

My daring june

My mum say the playgroup teacher told her that june ate the bread my mum packed for her in lunchbox at teabreak time. After she finish her bread, she didnt eat enough, and she go and take from other children lunchbox. Faint.she is so daring. What makes her think that the other children will share their food. Or maybe she think they eat too slow, she help them eat can faster my mum will pack more bread for her, if not she keep snatching from other kids.


Yesterday night had fever, 39 degree. I ate chinese medicine at 10 pm. And go to sleep. But feeling so uncomfortable and sick that i cannot sleep. At 12 am, i ate one panadol. And after a while, manage to sleep and fever gone down. Sweating for the whole night. This morning wake up, feeling much better. I know i will have to recount my 100 days cough starting from day 1 again. Because once this virus gone, the cough will follow, and its going to be another three months. I think i must be living in a old age body, always so weak and sick.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


好像要感冒了。最近总是病不好。 不然就是好了又病。 昨夜睡觉之前就觉得喉咙怪怪, 凌晨起身觉得鼻子也怪怪, 就喝了一杯感冒茶。 现在感觉有好一点儿。 但是还是找中医看看。 每次药吃完没几天就要生病。 看来我的免疫能力是越来越不行。

June progress

My little june did not cry going playgroup. Thats quite fast. My mum say monday she didnt cry already. She walk in by herself. The only thing she still refuse to do is open her mouth for teacher to check. She is ok with checking hands and feet, but just dont want to open mouth. But she adapt to the class faster than i thought. A good sign.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


有时候就会这样。 总有一些事情看似不重要, 却是很在意的。 对别人来说是小事, 但对自己来说是大事。 小事往往是风暴的导火线。 有时候别人的一句无心之言, 听起来却刺耳得很。 心情不好的时候,这种感觉最强烈。

Monday, July 09, 2012


昨天看了第一集的「原来爱就是甜蜜」。 很喜欢。 好看。

Friday, July 06, 2012

Music course

My san san is going to start her yamaha lesson jmc course tomorrow. At clementi branch. Her lesson at 9am, and leng leng one at 10am. So got to wake up early and go. Hopefully they will be able to wake up early tomorrow.

Bb news

Zhen had given birth on 4 july night. A bb boy. 3.37kg. Very happy for her. After such a long wait, she finally got her first bb. She has been married for such a long time already. And also kenneth has his bb boy a week ago. Preterm bb at 7 mth. Still waiting for bb to put on enough weight to go home. A year of bbs. Maybe because its dragon year? And all the people i know giving birth this year, have bb boys. Its a dragon boy year. Next coming up will be ah lian. 4 more mths to go before her bb will arrived. Very happy for all of my friends.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Short sighted

Today i bring my san san for eye review at kkh. And confirm need to wear glasses. One eye 175, another 400. Quite bad. This saturday, i will bring her to make glasses. She seems to be very proud of herself. And she already decide what color and what design she want. She dun feel like she is odd one out in class. I remember when leng leng first started wearing, We had to do alot of good talk to her. San san super big ego. She is feeling like she is starting a new trend in class. And very proud about it. Even the new art class she went, the teacher say she is very steady, considering the youngest in class.


世界太乱。 但是往往乱中有序。 却不是每个人都能接受乱中的秩序。

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

June first day of sch

Yesterday was my smallest girl first day in playgroup. We sent her to the playgroup. We refer to me, my hubby, my mum, my big girl, and my sansan. So many people sent her to school. She cry inside the room. But this week we only trying out, so everyday only one hour. Next week onwards then two hours. This morning, i phone my mum, june didnt go playgroup as it is raining. I told my mum not to sent her to the class when raining coz its not convenient. Need to take umbrella and carry and take things etc. need to cross road. So i say when it rains, just stay home, no need go. Safety is most important. I dont want my mum to be so tired also. Anyway the playgroup only go there play, sing song, so dont go also not much difference one.

Skimmed milk

Recently i discover i like the taste of skimmed milk. And now i am stuck with greenfields skimmed milk. I dun like the strong smell of milk. Last time used to drink meiji milk, after that drink any brand that is low fat hugh calcium, after that i got sick of it. And ever since i drank the skimmed milk, I found that i actually like this kind of taste. Very mild and light. So now it has become my habit to drink this brand of milk and the skimmed one. I need to replenish calcium, And i think i need to build up my lungs too. Everytime i get the 100 days cough, Really need 100 days to recover. And this time round, until now i have already spent about 200 bucks on my cough, seeing chinese doctor. On way to recovery, but still not fully recovered. And medicine finished also. So i am keeping watch, see if it will come back again when i not eating any medicine.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012


到了某个年龄, 就不太计较过去的事情。 比较能够原谅别人。 因为觉得自己在人生的某个阶段, 也曾经犯下类似的错误。 所以原谅合理化。 也可能觉得人生没有多少个几十年可以用来记恨。 也就算了。反正也没什么意义。 如果事事都在意, 辛苦的是自己,不是吗? 原谅不是为了让对方更好过, 而是让自己更好过。 记恨只是一种变相的记住对方的方式, 所以原谅才是忘记过去最好的方法。

Monday, July 02, 2012


发觉自己是个很果断的人。 因为这样,很多时候很受不了别人的不果断。 明明就是一件这么容易做决定的事,怎么弄得这么复杂。 为什么总要听一百个人的意见,然后才做决定。 明知道这一百个人里面一定有不同意见, 因为每个人的际遇不同, 所以只会越听越没有主意。 我就不喜欢问别人意见, 要问也不会超过三个人。 很多时候就是一股冲动, 就决定了,就行动了。 也许成功,或许失败。 但是没什么大不了, 要重来就重来, 反正自己负责到底就是了。 不要听了一百个人的意见后, 又做错了决定。然后抱怨别人。 自己的生活自己负责吧。 我决定就决定, 不需要太长时间。 而且非常不喜欢随时改变立场。 坚持到底,除非中途有所领悟, 绝不会是因为听了一百个人中的某个人的话而改变主意。 所以我是个很难说服的人。 也是个就算相信某样事物,也不会是迷信的程度。 是因为太相信自己了吗? 有些事我坚信我做不到,没有人能说服我去完成。 有些事我坚信我做不到,但我愿意尝试去完成。 有些事我坚信我做不到,不用试也知道不可能。 而我相信自己能做到的事,通常一定能做到。

Thursday, June 28, 2012


还在进行式。 应该超过三十天了吧。 还剩下大概六十天就咳完百日了吧。 反反复复的。 真的很烦。 现在最讨厌的应该就是在公共场所抽烟的人。 不是说扩大禁烟区吗, 怎么还不赶快生效。 巴士站周围是可以抽烟的吗? 闻到烟味就让我咳不停。 有些人上巴士,都有烟味。 难闻又难受。 真的很讨厌。

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


今天的坏心情。 还有很奇怪的百日咳。 明明就好很多了, 怎么每次药吃完,不到几天, 又有重新发作的迹象? 明天又要去看中医了。

Monday, June 25, 2012


小君要上学了。 星期三,我会帮她报名。 如果一切顺利,七月三号就正式上课了。 已经可以预见,她一定会哭得很惨。 但是没有办法, 这是人生的一个阶段。

Friday, June 22, 2012


两只魔头总是唱错的歌。而且非常有默契,每回都唱错歌词。 "天上的妈妈都是一样的。。。。。。" 虽然也没错,天上的妈妈一定也和天下的妈妈一样。 但是怎么听起来就怪怪的。


昨天晚上,带两只魔头去试试新的美术班。 还蛮大的班。至少也有15位小朋友。 魔头杉习惯老师用软的教学方式, 就是爱的教育的那种。 之前的美术班有玩具,有电视,好玩得很。 昨天这班是很传统的美术班, 没有这些新奇的玩意儿。 魔头杉问我为什么没有玩具。 后来开始画画。 魔头杉拒画。 老师耐心指导, 让她依样画葫芦。 但是每次她一不开心就翻白眼。 老师说什么让她不高兴的, 就翻白眼。 画到一半就不画了, 还扔画笔,扔到对座的小女生面前。 对方还好心还给魔头杉。 真的就是魔头,怎么都无法驯服。 但是也因为这样才特别。 是谁教她翻白眼的? 怎么就无师自通了。


昨天小君君的自言自语。 "阿君哭了,很大声,怎么办,吃tu tu,舅舅抱" 很喜欢说话的小君。 跟舅舅感情特别好的小君。 最近发现小君君是平扁足。 也是舅舅发现的。 我老哥确实是很称职的舅舅。

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


刚看了「我们一家访问人」,关于历史上美男子的那集。 还蛮有意思的。 有时候看一些这样的节目也不错, 不管是历史方面,或野史方面, 都可以增长知识。

Monday, June 18, 2012


明天又是很忙的一天。 早上一直忙到晚上。 中间有一两个小时的休息时间。 后天会比较好。 星期四最好。 可以带老妈和小君出去逛逛。 还要带两只魔头去试试新的美术班。 这次是周日的班。但是对我来说,接送时间有点赶。 希望来得及。 星期五又是忙忙忙的一天。 这个星期的时间表大致上就是如此。

Saturday, June 16, 2012


下个星期小君就要过她的两岁生日了。 我们会在星期天为她庆祝。 蛋糕也订好了。 生日之后,我就要送她到豆豆班去学点东西。 一天两个小时的那种。


终于来了,我的亲戚。 迟了两个星期。 又让我累到不行。 今天早上还头痛, 状态非常不好。

Friday, June 15, 2012


今天看了一部电影。赵又廷主演的「第一次」。 很好看。非常好看。 可以算是这两年里,我看过的最好看的一部。 但是它的好看,必须建立在看的人耐心看完前面30分钟。 如果观众因为前面的看起来无趣而离场, 就会错过了很多精彩的布局铺陈。 喜欢故事中的女主角。 因为她很贴心, 虽然是活不久的人,但是很善解人意, 就算知道很多其他人以为她不知道的事时, 却能配合演出。 故事巧妙安排男主角来假扮成"宫宁"这个女主角的高中同学。 而"宫宁"原来又是为救男主角的母亲而牺牲的。 在电影中,大家都以为什么都不知道的女主角原来是"全知者"。 活着的人都想为快死的或已经死去的人做点什么, 但是最后的结果却是相反的,是死去的和快死去的人,让活着的人重新生活。 用女主角的"不知道"贯穿全剧,到了女主角死后才一一点破, 手法有点"那些年"的感觉,但是更胜一筹。 特别是最后那几场戏,让我的眼泪流不停。 尤其是男主角听到女主角录的最后那张卡带里的内容, 狂奔回去找答案,然后痛哭的那场戏。真的很感动。 犯了很多人在看「那些年」时犯的错误, 以为影片结束后,文字出现就没了。 原来后面还有一些精彩的片段。 而且对我来说这些细节很重要。 我走到楼梯时,发现了,回头看,看到最后一个镜头时,因为被楼梯挡住了, 所以没有看清楚最后一个镜头里,一封信件的细节。 那是很重要的,会影响我对影片的评价。 所以发了简讯问已经看过这部电影的佳。 终于知道原来信是警方对车祸进行的调查报告, 男主角和父亲这时才知道,男主角所扮演的"宫宁",原来就是当时为了救男主角母亲牺牲的。 死去的宫宁不可能完成的事情,却又借着活着的男主角完成了。 这些事,所有自以为知道的人其实都不知道。 而女主角是电影中唯一的全知者。 所以又借女主角来穿针引线, 让一切看起来没有意义的事, 变得有意思。 大家都以为女主角思念转校的宫宁, 才录了那么多和他分享心情的卡带, 其实女主角早就知道这个心仪的同学已经过世的事情。 和过世的同学对话,这样的方式很合理。 换个方式想,因为有了这样的一种方式和死去的人对话, 所以女主角在那么无聊的人生才能保持乐观。 死去的人和快死去的人, 带给活着的人更多活下去的理由。 真的太喜欢这部电影了。 要按多少个"赞"才能给它应有的评价?

Thursday, June 14, 2012


今天和琳还有佳在kbox小聚。 唱歌当然不是我的强项, 但是她们都是k歌达人。 佳昨天刚考到驾照。 不久应该就会买车。 单身生活看起来还不赖。 琳唱完歌之后也到澳洲旅行去了。 而我呢, 带魔头杉去看中医, 自己当然也看了。 希望这一次我的百日咳不需要咳上三个月。 看中医比看西医贵很多。 今天看医生就花掉我一百多元。

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


真的是百日咳。 明明就已经比较好了。 这两天又开始发作。 看来明天要到中医那里再调一下。 顺便也把魔头杉带去, 因为她这几个晚上也咳得厉害。 顺便再询问一下,我那个亲戚什么时候会来。 真的很烦,明明就觉得她快来了, 怎么等等等等却还是没来。 而且心情真的坏到不行。

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Most busy day

Tomorrow is my most busy day. 4 tuitions. Need to rush from one place to another. Luckily thursday i can take a break and go out with jia and lin. Friday is another busy day for me.


Sleepy mood. Especially in the afternoon and evening.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pms mood

Just now scold a student for not doing homework despite countless reminders and warning. Thanks to my pms mood, i finally scold him today. Normally i used the soft approach, but its really too much. Keep ignoring my homework, and give all the rubbish excuses. Waste time. Got time sleep, got time play, got time do other subject homework, but no time do mine. So today i give him double the amount of homework. See if he finish them by wednesday night. If not if i am still in pms mood, i will give him another scolding.


刚看了「我们一家访问人」,范范和黑人的那集。 一直很喜欢范范,觉得是个很真的人。 有点傻大姐的那种感觉,又正直到不行。 很有原则的一个人。有规律的生活。 简单自然。 她跟很多娱乐圈里的艺人不同。 至少不会过乱七八糟的生活,也不会惹事生非。 喜欢她。 她和黑人的个性虽然是天壤之别, 但是他们有自己的一套相处之道。 两个人在一起其实就是这样。 未必性格相近的就适合彼此。 重要的是不能两个人都是火爆个性, 一定要有一个比较温和的, 这样比较不容易吵架, 就算吵,火药味也能减到最低。 两个人的关系应该有互补的作用。 他们两个人是我心目中的最佳娱乐圈夫妻。 希望他们可以一直相伴, 白头偕老。

Sunday, June 10, 2012


刚才的晚餐。 我家对面的煮炒。 超赞的螃蟹米粉。 还有一道不知道是什么脆皮鸡之类的, 味道好得不得了。 吃了大概一百多元的一餐, 但是真的很值得。 美味佳肴近在咫尺。


这个月的亲戚到现在还没来。 迟了超过一个星期。 大概因为生病,又吃了乱七八糟那么多药, 所以就整个搞乱了。 但是想到高人说的"龙尾蛇头", 就感觉不妙,这个月正好就中了"龙尾蛇头"之说。 为了求个心安,就去验了一下, 还好有惊无险。 其实自己心里有数, 但是还是以防万一。 我可不想这么快就添个叶老四出来。 就算真的要添新成员,也再等个两三年吧。 还不是时候。


今天晚上吃晚饭,庆祝父亲节。 提前庆祝。 到对面吃煮炒。 对面的煮炒还蛮好吃的。螃蟹米粉也很有名。 上一回到乐天吃了那么糟的一餐, 已经让我对大餐馆失去信心。 咖啡店美食更值得一吃。

Saturday, June 09, 2012


今天老哥买了diablo 3. 因为很多地方断货, 所以他是以稍微高一点的价钱买回来的。 整整贵了二十元。 但是买回来后, 大家兴致勃勃等着, 结果电脑没办法启动游戏, 因为他的电脑真的就跟他的人一样, 还是活在原始时代。 然后就是跑去安装更多ram, 但是装了后,才发现没有graphic card, 真的就是赔了夫人又折兵。 然后呢,为了这个游戏,得买一台新的电脑。 难怪他整天玩那些比古董还旧的游戏, 原来他的电脑还真的只能玩这些游戏。

Madagascar 3

今天带魔头伶和魔头杉去看这部电影。 魔头杉还是老样子, 根本没有在看, 只是骗吃爆米花罢了。 魔头伶还蛮喜欢这部电影。 我比较喜欢像lorax那样, 有点意思的影片。 今天的这部感觉很"吵", 让人没有思考的空间。 好像也没有什么可以思考的。 但是还算是可以看的影片啦, 只是个人的品味不同


王力宏演唱会,来了。 但是我的动作慢了。 有折扣的票都卖完了。 去台湾度假之前,我还查过网站, 当时还没有演唱会的消息。 觉得应该没有吧。 回来后就太忙, 根本没再查。 刚才翻阅前几天的早报副刊, 才发现原来报纸都报道了。 又慢了。 刚上网购票, 票价还真贵。 买了最便宜的票。 一张而已。 因为老公不太感兴趣, 就叫他不要浪费钱。 他听他爱听的, 我听我爱听的。

Wednesday, June 06, 2012


刚才教完补习,回家的路上。 在811的巴士排队的人龙中,看见他。 第一眼就认出了, 三秒内名字就浮现了。 “俊伟”。虽然已经不记得你姓什么, 但是那一年的那一班, 让我留下最深刻印象的就是你和俊龙。 希望你现在过得很好。 那年的4T,曾经让我很头痛的班, 现在回忆起来,也只记得你和俊龙帮我拿作业本子的事情。 还有你给我取的“美人鱼”绰号。 和当时播出的电视剧有关。 7年了,时间过得真快。 很抱歉没能跟你打招呼, 因为真的挤不到巴士末端。 更何况两个站就得下车。 但是真的很感谢你还记得我。 而且一眼就认出来了。 希望那年的你们,现在都过得好。 我相信我能认出的也应该只有你, 因为大家的样子改变很多, 我根本认不出。 就连那年印象深刻的俊龙, 现在也非常模糊。 不可能再认得了。 你们真的长大了。


今天早上有点儿时间, 到住家附近的电影院看了这部戏。 很不错看。 还蛮喜欢整部戏的感觉。 那种有点儿乡土味,但是又很现代的感觉。 传统和创新之间的冲突, 老一辈和年轻一代思想上的差异, 年轻人对梦想的坚持, 年轻人对成功的定义。。。。。。 故事很好。 但是觉得柯的演技并没有很好。 一般而已。 表情都差不多,感觉不到在不同情况情绪的变化。 好像没有深浅轻重之分。都差不多。 反而是小鬼的演技比较有感觉。 虽然开始并不是很正面的人物, 但是人物感情拿捏得很好。 虽然戏份不多, 但是充分发挥。 还蛮喜欢的。

catch by Ah Gong

anyhow paste and make Ah Gong's road unsightly, Ah gong will catch you. Ah gong is not that artistic to appreciate your beautiful work ok. but its really a fantastic piece of work. but of coz cannot encourage this as not all people are like the sticker lady, with great sense of humour and creativity. If other people paste here and there, maybe will really become unsightly and not a piece of art. found some of these pictures online. great work by the sticker lady.

Sticker lady

Actually i quite like the sticker lady's creativity. All the stickers very fun and humourous. But too bad, our society cannot take this bit of fun. And the "my grandfather road" idea was good, just that put on road become vandalism. I actually really admire her for her different and creativity and also courage. And of coz the sense of humour. Hope she will not get too heavy price paid for her artistic work.

Monday, June 04, 2012


最近在看的台湾偶像剧。 有「爱上巧克力」、「半熟恋人」、「绝对达令」,还有一些跳着看的,不算真的在看。 当然还有谈话性质的节目。 真的太多了。

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Art class closing down

The art studio which my girls are attending lessons is closing down next mth. Due to high running cost. Rental of 4k each mth, and not enough students to cover cost etc. I find it very wasted. Actually the teacher is very nice and her method and model is good. I like the way she carry out lessons. After each lesson, the kids have one photo taken with art piece, and teacher comment behind the photo, with stickers pasted etc. very nice idea. And my girls love the lessons, esp, san san, she look forward to the class. She already say she dun like yamaha class. So i think sansan really not fated with music. My hubbby say she give 100percent wrong answer for all the qns the teacher ask on high notes and low notes. Its really not easy to get all qns wrong, so she is like me in this sense. No music sense at all. Hopefully out of the three girls, i will have one who can play piano. As for drawing, if one of them can draw very well. It will be good too. Now i am sourcing for suitable art class, and also maths class. My leng leng request for maths class. Sounds weird, but she say she want. She say she dun know how to minus. Strange kids nowadays. Request for enrichment classes.


今天的聚会,人很少。 只有阿莲加老公,淑慧,敏强,我和老公加魔头伶。 恬燕和玮莹身体不适,临时不能来。 瑞雄太忙了。芳的手受伤,也不方便来。 到raffles hotel 的royal china吃点心。 还蛮好吃的。 说了一些有的没的。 还蛮愉快。 很喜欢聚会的感觉。 可能和年龄的增长有关。 觉得能聚在一起闲话家常真的是很棒的感觉。 因为没有人知道一生究竟能有多少聚会。 有很多有共同回忆的人在身边的感觉真的很好。 很多情感的升华, 因为年龄的关系。 因为不再钻牛角尖。 以前的回忆,不管是美好的,不完美的, 因为时间的流逝, 岁月的不饶人, 美好的得以升华, 不完美的也可以淡化。 要珍惜的就是这些。。。。。。

Saturday, June 02, 2012


我:我不喜欢妳们没有乖乖睡觉。 杉:没有乖乖睡觉会怎样? 我:会没有精神。 杉:没有精神会做什么? 我:什么都不会做。

Friday, June 01, 2012

Broken string

My san san anyhow turn my guitar, and the sounds all haywire. And then the string broke when i try to tune back correct sound. have to change new strings. And just got someone to change for me, Collect on sunday night.


今天还是咳得很厉害,但是好像有比较好。 可能中药有点儿效用。 当然我也知道不可能那么快。 无力的肺。 现在气管非常敏感。 只要是辣的,冷的或是烟味和灰尘, 都可能导致我咳不停。 越来越无力。

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blisters and more

More blisters on my sole. Same area. Right leg. I think my walking posture must be somthing wrong, becoz i am wearing very comfortable shoes. How can i get blisters. And they are cluster together same place. Growing bigger and i can feel the fluid inside....painful when i walk. Sianz......and plus my 100 days cough, more sianz.... But i went to see tcm just now, got some medicine. Hopefully can speed up the healing process of the cough.... 100 days is too long....i still have 2 tuition tomolo. Today i went bb fair at expo. With ah lian and her hubby. She bought quite alot of things. Actually i think too early to buy coz can buy them when she is six mths. That will be a better time. Normally i buy in third trimester. Nearer to delivery day.but she scare she no time to buy, so prefer to buy most of the things now.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Painting work

Painting work at home. The smell of paint make my throat super itchy.... But no where to hide myself. The whole house is in a mess. How to make my throat less itchy? Keep coughing.....

Not sick.....but....

Not sick, but cough is back... That kind of suddenly throat itchy and will keep coughing. The 100 days cough....... I thought i have already got rid of it, But its back again.... Super sianz.......

Monday, May 28, 2012

A little more sick

A little more sick than yesterday. Throat very itchy. Seems like the usual cough i have last time is back to haunt me. When throat is itchy i keep coughing non stop. But when not itchy, then will not cough. And i still have tuitions. Tomolo have three sessions. Luckily weds is free, i can rest and of coz house doing some renovation stuffs. Probably painting work and delivery of new bed. Need to be at home to check on all these.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Falling sick

Signs of falling sick. Itchy throat. Phelgm and cough. This time dun know whether i still can prevent it from becoming serious. I have successfully suppressed it for a few times this year. But this time seems a bit difficult. See tomolo how, hope the signs will become less serious.

Friday, May 25, 2012


i have a blister on my sole. can see the fluid inside. a bit itchy. itchy is the mildness form of pain....according to my gynae..haha last time when i going c section, i ask him after epidural will i be totally numb or will still feel itchy? coz i super scare of itchy. sometimes when i touch myself i will feel itchy also..its that sensitive. So luckily, c section is totally numb...if not i think during operation, i will laugh non stop. should i burst the blister on my sole? coz its very irritating and itchy. but burst liao will be easily infected ...and i need to walk alot, probably not a good idea. will wait 2 more days and see if it dries up by itself.


如果"赢"是个错误呢? 所以......

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Out of stock

I have been looking around for diablo 3, but west and north side shops dun seems to have stock. And even if next week the stock come, i still will not get it coz all pre order by people. Of coz if i really want, i can get online account with the blizzard, but then its like 90bucks, which is more expensive than the hard copy. So can wait a while, after that maybe prices will drop and more stocks available also.

Renovation at home

Renovation at home. Not a very major one, doing a built in cupboard to store all the barang barang. Still not done yet. And installing some ventilation fans. And the feng shui people came this morning to put some fengshui things in the house. After all these, still a last part, painting to be done. After that the house will look better. Just too much thngs and too little space to store them. This week i am more free, as some of my students have not start lessons since it is after exam. Normally after exam, they will rest a while, maybe one to three weeks before starting lessons again. I have some time to tidyhouse things and attend to all these renovation stuffs

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


最近在看「爱上巧克力」,喜欢每天一集,因为进度比较快。 也尝试看了「半熟恋人」,感觉还不错, 只是不知道为什么每次看到一半, 视频就会出现问题,就是卡住,看不了。 真的是每一集都只能看一半的「半熟」恋人。

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cancel memo

Today i received a cancelled memo sent to the principal of c...c...h...ys, Cc to me and one whole group of people. Saying the previous notification is cancelled. I was still wondering yesterday if i should email the principal to informed him the situation. Now not need liao, moe email him directly. But of coz they didnt say its due to their mistake for forgetting to handle my case. They say i applied for xtension of npl, and the informed that the notification email is cancelled. Seems like become my fault for making things turn complicated. But i applied in march, Not now leh...... Become like i apply last min leave. Nevermind , anyway i am used to being tekan by the ministry. Just hope that they can be more efficicent.

Monday, May 21, 2012


又出现心情不好的状况。 那种莫名其妙的心情不好。 只要谁多说一句话,就想扁他。 什么都听起来像杂音, 一点小事就想吼人。 天啊。。。。。。。


和一位喜欢玩电脑游戏的12岁小男生的对话。 我:你知道最近有一个新游戏吗? 他:diablo 3,但是不好玩的。 我:你怎么知道?你玩了? 他:没有,因为不好玩。 我:那你玩过diablo 2 吗? 问了之后,才发觉是个烂问题。 他给了我一个错愕的表情。 我们两个人都笑了起来。 才12岁的男生,那时都还没出世或刚出世。


刚看了绝对达令的最新一集。 很喜欢剧里的宗史。 喜欢这种个性的男生。 很有魅力。

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I requested for extension of npl in march. And today i received email, not on status of the request, but on posting. Inform me to report to c....c....h...(yishun) on 25 june. Very sianz right. Ministry of error, how many times must this kind of thing happened?why your people simple things also cannot do efficiently? I send email in march, i am sure you have enough time to read my email, so how come take so long and now anyhow send a posting to me. I dun wan to go how.....i sent email to ask them check on status of my npl. So you are forcing me to leave the service earlier than i wanted to. If npl is not approved, i will probably quit, coz i have alot of commitments this year. I cannot go back and leave all my tuition kids on their own. Have two psle ones, i have to see them through the exams. Very sianz. Spoilt my mood. Tell my girls not to provoke me tonight as i am in a bad mood. 杉:谁弄你生气? 我:坏人。 她:又不是我们。。。。。。。 本来想说是"闪电uncle"弄我生气,后来就索性说坏人。 唉。。。。真烦。


刚看了最新一集的康熙来了。 萧敬腾的那集。 其实一直没有留意这位歌手。 因为他的风格不是我喜欢的。 外型也不是我喜欢的。 歌曲类型不是我喜欢的。 当然现在还是一样。 没有特别的好感。 但是必须承认他是有才华的, 是很厉害的人物。 很大方的个性,说唱就唱, 真的很赞。 但是就不是我喜欢的那一类型的歌手。 我了解他为什么会红了。 是很理所当然的,因为他是有实力的。 但是他却没办法吸引我的注意。 只是觉得他很厉害,但是并不欣赏。 终于明白为什么那么多人为他疯狂, 开始时觉得无法理解, 觉得没有逻辑, 但是现在能够接受这样的现象了。 因为这是有实力的人应该得到的。

Saturday, May 19, 2012


即将开战。 蓝衣天使加油吧。 另一场战役, 但是买不到游戏, 已经断货了。 最快也要下个星期才能开战。 第一次这么期待玩新游戏。 应该是一种回忆那些年的方式。 曾经青春的岁月。

Friday, May 18, 2012


中学同学燕燕,过两个月会回新加坡几个星期。 已经和佳卉约好到时候小聚一下。 琤就快生龙宝宝了。再过一个月就差不多了。 很替她开心。虽然和她自毕业后没见几次面, 但是即使友情淡了,给她的祝福绝对不会少。 芳最近摔断了手,至今还在家养伤。 希望她这一次“破财”,就能消灾。 早日康复,还有记得买份保险。 有份保障总是好的。 莲刚熬过最辛苦的三个月。 希望她的龙宝宝健健康康的。 到了年底,就可以看见朋友圈中添加的新成员了。 好期待。 琳最近感觉好很多。 希望她可以为自己而活, 过自己想要的生活。 人生也只有这么一次, 没有太多的十年可以错过。 朋友们都加油吧!


刚刚电话铃声响。是家里的电话。 很少人知道号码,因为这个电话只是摆设,很少用。 我自己都不知道号码是什么。 大半夜的电话铃声是很可怕的。 赶紧跑去接听,怕吵到在睡觉的孩子们。 另一端的一个男人的声音:喂。 我:喂。 他:喂。喂。 我:喂。你要找谁? 他:你知道我是谁吗? 我:不知道。 他:我是peter.你老公的朋友。他在睡觉吗? 我:对啊。有什么事? 他:跟我老婆有关,我可以跟你讲吗? 我:可以啊。你讲啰。 他:你帮我转告他。 我:什么事? 他:是这样的,有一次他打给我,可是我不在。他跟我老婆讲了很多我的事。。。。。。 我:什么事? 他:我可以讲吗?有些很敏感的话。。。。。。 (开始起疑,怪怪的) 我:那我老公叫什么名字? 他:我不知道他叫什么名字,他是我老婆的朋友,不是我的朋友。 (见鬼,刚才明明讲是你的朋友) 我:那你老婆叫什么名字? 他:jenny. 我:我老公好像没有叫jenny的朋友。 他:可能他没有跟你说过。 我:那你老婆在哪里上班? (没有回答,岔开话题) 他:我可以跟你讲吗?有些很敏感的话。。。。。 我:那你不要讲好了。 他:可是不要讲。。。。。。。 「我把电话挂了」 刚挂断又响,另一端还是那个声音。 就让他继续"喂"到自己挂了为止。 烦不烦,干扰我看偶像剧的兴致。 想进行电话骚扰也要看对象,老娘我可是不好惹的。没死过的家伙。 之后电话没有再响。到目前为止没有。

Thursday, May 17, 2012

tasks for today

later i will go library borrow books for my girls. And after that pack lunch back and prepare lessons for my tuitions. my sec 4 will be taking o levels soon, need to prepare some stuffs for them. And prepare holidays lessons things for the rest of my students. can teach a bit on romance of 3 kingdom. and maybe teach 1 or 2 modern poems. And can play some quiz. I can use the 百万小学堂 style of quiz to let them play. I have create one game with over hundreds of questions range from general knowledge to chinese, english, maths, science, during the one year in christ church.damn bo liao last time. But i spent alot of time on this set of quiz. Of coz some question taken from the 百万小学堂 books. And add in a bit of local favour. Today will fetch my girls, bring over to in law side and go for my night tuition. I have been resting for 2 days already. time to start work. but i really dun like people "nag" at me, like asking how come sch holiday coming still have tuition....... actually if all parents stop lessons after exams, then for a few weeks i will be jobless and eat best is even after exam, schedule as per normal. but dun know why cannot understand the concept of "no work no money", if I dun work, who is going to support me? and i need to pay quite alot for kids stuffs also. sometimes really quite piss off by all these senseless remarks. just not practical and not realistic. I can dun work, i wish i can dun work also. unless i strike a one million toto, if not this will just be a dream for me.

bad weather

These few days the weather so hot.Under the sun is like burning up. Feeling very tired, even if I had already slept earlier than the few weeks before. I may be sleeping late again once i start playing diablo 3. But not yet, havent bought the game yet. My bro will buy, i can use his account probably. one of the games i played last time. I dun played alot of games, the most I have played is bandit king, diablo, runescape, and a bit of romance of three kingdom and maple story.others are all those kind of small facebook games. i remember the last diablo game, i forgot i went to which level, but the character died in one place when i fail to kill the demon and i didnt manage to retrieve my important stuffs back. tried a few times to go back to the same place, but always died same spot, so in the end i give i actually didn't complete all the levels. But my bro did. And he is still playing bandit king over the weekends, dun know how many donkey years already. he didnt find new games to play, keep playing the old games again and again. and dun know completed for how many times already and still keep playing. normally for me, if i completed a game, i wun play a second time. likewise for reading books, for me to read a book twice, its also very difficult.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Nice douhua

Today i went maxwell food centre and the queue at laoban douhua was very short, in fact only a few people infront of me, so i manage to buy one. Actually left not many, the original favour all sold out. And almond one left with less than 30. When i walk one round and come bk, the shop close liao. All sold. The douhua was very nice. The best i have eaten so far. Nice.

Back from holidays

Tired.but quite a nice trip. Free and easy. But its not really that easy. My little june was quite cranky during flight, esp the return one. But its a different experience. Went to a few places. But its a pity that some days its raining quite big, and we dont get to see what we wanted to see. And we almost got ourselves stranded in one place without transport, And very lucky, when we call for a cab, there is one that is willing to go somewhere so remote to send us back. Next time we will bring big girl instead of the smallest, At least she will not be so cranky. This time round, we buy very minimum things back coz cannot manage with too much baggage. Little june stuffs already taken up quite alot of space. So we dont have space to buy gifts. Something that i like to do, but cannot do. Next time, then will try to buy back. There are so many nice souvenirs. Taken many nice photos also. Will try to post some other time.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Rushing for time

Today i have 2 tuitions later. So just now i went to taiwan tourism board to collect some freebies for the tour and some brochures. And went bugis temple to pray. One more hour from now, i will go for lessons. And come back at 9 something in the night to get ready for tomorrow early morning flight. And of coz to go jurong fetch my little june. Have to reach airport at 5.30 am, flight is at 7 something. Hopefully my little june will be ok with the flight and not cranky.


I just sent a feedback to smrt on the bus i just taken. A feeder bus 811. And the driver just drive out of interchange not long, making a right turn to first bus stop, almost hit a cyclist who was going to cross the pedestrain crossing. It was green man. How many time must this kind of accident happened? Why never learn from lesson. So now green man we also cannot cross the road is it. Suka suka the drivers just make turnings, green man or not dun care, got people want to cross or not also dun care. I also struggle about making feedbacks, coz i have make quite a few feedbacks already. They are always quite prompt in getting back to me, but i dont like to make this kind of negative feedbacks. Prefer to write positive ones. The driver as usual is not a local. Unique accent. Hope all these foreigners will understand driving here have a set of rules to follow, not like their country, everyone has own set of rules.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012


这几天好忙。喘不过气。 忙到星期三就能放假。 星期四一大早的飞机。 可怕的是到现在东西都还没准备好。 行程也没计划。 只是知道大概要去哪几个地方。 怎么去其实没有概念。 到那里再说。 希望小君君好好配合。 不然可能会累垮。 想去旅游局拿地图, 但是也只有星期三早上有时间。 下午要补习,晚上也是。 星期四就出发了。 时间真的不够用。

Friday, May 04, 2012


看了康熙明星卸妆的最近一集。 孟耿如。饰演李大仁妹妹角色的那个女生。 喜欢这种很有个性的女生。 就是简单,自然,不做作。 不化妆就已经很好看了。 当然不是那种艳丽的好看。 就是很阳光,很邻家女孩的感觉。


刚看完「再一次心跳」完结篇。 还蛮喜欢的。 之前还真的相信她是逃婚才出去旅行的。 原来另有原因。 之前关于"心脏"小岛的说法,这时候才看出意义。 不错的微电影。

Sansan eye check

Today i brought sansan for eye check at kkh. And true enough, she got eye problem also. Left eye about 150 degree. And right eye about 400 degree. And also have 散光。next visit will be in two months time. To double confirm the findings and also decide whether to let her wear spectacles. If dont wear, scare she will kena lazy eye. The difference in degree between the two eyes is quite big.


那天魔头们把"公园"听成"动物园"。 之后再听一次,竟然把"公园"听成"公务员"了。


刚才魔头杉在刷牙的时候,突然从厨房跑进我的房间。 手上还拿着牙刷,她一边哭一边说:"妈妈刚才有一只dragon在我的脚。" 我猜想应该是壁虎吧。 没想到竟然是蟑螂。 请问蟑螂长得像dragon吗? 壁虎比较像吧?

Tuesday, May 01, 2012


时好时坏。 又到了每个月的这个时候。 莫名其妙就是很火大。 一点事情就觉得很放不开。 其实也没什么事, 怎么就是控制不了自己的心情。 明明不想这样, 却身不由己。 真的没有不开心, 怎么表现出来的却是相反情绪。

Monday, April 30, 2012


又到了考试的季节。 希望我的学生们都能考到好成绩。 最近因为考试的关系,也比较忙。 等小瓜们都考完了,我就可以过几个星期的清闲日子。 当然有闲的时候就是没钱的时候。 鱼与熊掌不可兼得。 天底下没有又有钱又有闲这回事。 还是知足吧。

Sunday, April 29, 2012


下个月要到台湾度个小假。 就在10号出发,14日就回来了。 只带小君去。另外两只魔头会留在老妈家。 希望是轻松愉快的旅行。

Thursday, April 26, 2012


魔头伶最近画的图画还蛮好看的。 特别喜欢她画的人物的头发,特别,特别漂亮。 第一张图是昨天晚上从朋友婚宴回来看见的。 里头还有“jiarong"。 今天早上她把好朋友“删除”掉了,然后我叫她把小君和爸爸画在里头。 就变成了第二张图的样子。


昨晚的婚宴。 现在又多了一位人妻。 希望接下来其他单身却不想独身的朋友们, 都能遇见对的人。 昨天拍的一张欠扁照。


刚看完「再一次心跳」第三集。 虽然每一集都是短短的十分钟, 但很喜欢故事里那种活在当下的感觉。 现实生活中虽然每天都是"进行式", 却不是那种活在当下的感觉。 已经是当下却完全不能活在当下。 很羡慕也很向往, 如果曾经活在当下也不错。 但是生活却不允许这样, 能不想下一刻的事吗? 这一刻想做的事,会不会下一刻就后悔了? 如果只有这一刻, 真的太简单了。 但是因为人生有太多下一刻, 所以活在当下太难。 但也因为有太多下一刻, 所以很多机会错过了还能重来。 活在当下, 随着年龄的增长, 越来越想做的事。

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sleep problem

Recently my hubby has this sleep problem.very disrupted sleep, always wake up middle of night and nit able to go back sleep again. Wonder if any good remedies for this problem? And we engage another fengshui master to see h Our house coz health is quite bad, esp for him. And conclusion is this house, have power and wealth but zero health. And if we want health, we have to move house.but that have to wait till the market crashed, now the prices are just too high. Probably next year when market crashed, we can start to plan. But now we need to do minor reno for our current house. Need to install more lights, and need to change color of the paint in one room and the living room also. Need to install a hanging fan. Need to install three ventiliation fans. And need find way to block the master bedroom toilet door. But we dont intend to do big renovation, so best way is to shift two cupboard and block the toilet. Will look very ugly the room, but no choice. And lastly, will need to maybe buy the crystal they recommend, but i know its going to be costly. So see how much its the price. Hopefully everything will turn out well.


没有买到裙子,就已经到朋友结婚的日子。 真的就要从衣橱里挑一件。 颜色真的可能就是黑色或深色。 而且以前买的裙子,很多都是"自杀式"的。 就是明明很多赘肉,却还是要穿那些最容易暴露缺点的衣服。 是以前没那么明显,还是根本没有觉察赘肉的存在? 很忙的一天。 还要补习。之后还要赶去办件私事。 不知道能不能在六点到家。 之后还要准备赴宴。 时间很赶。

Thursday, April 19, 2012





Tuesday, April 17, 2012

free day

Thursday I have a free morning and afternoon. Can bring my mum and june out.
maybe go Jcube, since have not been there yet.
hopefully will not be too crowded.

Monday, April 16, 2012







Thursday, April 12, 2012

eye check up

I brought my san san for the polyclinic 4 year old eye check up.
And she failed the check up quite terribly.
referred to KKH again.
Appointment will be next mth, 3rd May.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


她早上想要看鱼,看了看桶,竟然说了一句"fish no more"。
想到小君说的那句fish no more,

Tuesday, April 10, 2012







Thursday, April 05, 2012


最后补上一句:Jesus 是有power的,他的power就是那个雷公公。。。。。。


This morning after doing the farm PV, I got a headache. Because kena too much sun. Under the sun for too long. Real tired. And after that I received a call from the school again for next week PV. And I rejected coz I have tuition in the morning for monday and tuesday. And also becoz I am really tired. Hope the next can be next month. This month I am tired enough already.

And recently the thought of relocating back to jurong.......maybe i will be back in jurong. But not next year. my big girl will still go to chongfu. But if relocated, i need to get a good sch in the west. And best choice is rulang. But if transfer have to wait for vacancy................

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

New big screen

My hubby bought an iPad. Now I don't have to use my small iPhone screen to watch my tv series. And I don't have to spend money to buy a netbook myself. I have a new big screen to watch shows,and he has a new toy to play with. So both of us get what we want. Good deal.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012



PV on thurs

This thurs I will be doing PV again. Going to a farm. Hopefully after that I can take a rest for this month. Still have alot of things to settle using morning time. And I need the time.



Monday, April 02, 2012





Sunday, April 01, 2012

netbook crashed

my netbook crashed. without any sign of crashing at all. And there goes my good life of watching tv series.

Saturday, March 31, 2012



Friday, March 30, 2012

be safe

Recently there's alot of "kidnapping" news on facebook. We used to have a period of being "safe" in the country. Now its no longer the same. Now i am very conscious of my children's safety. Used to think that they will be safe reading by themselves in library or book store. But now I have to make sure they are with me at all times.
And I just seen a photo of a boy's left hand which is badly injured. He was pushed down the escalator by someone. And left hand got stuck in the escalator. And all the fingers look so badly injured. And even little finger needs 18 stitches. Though I am not related to the 4 year old boy, But my heart felt so pained when I saw the photo. And I dont know why, my tears just rolled. I hope the boy will not be tramatize by happened and i hope his hand can recover back to original state.

Nowadays people are really getting more impatient and they dont even bother to look out for elderly and young children. Children around 4 years old, they are sometimes not even 0.9m in height. If you dont watch out for them, you cannot see them, And they will be easily knocked down. No matter how urgent a person is, one should always look infront and see if there are toddlers, and not just squeeze and dash and knock them down. These people may be singaporean, may not be singaporean, but most probably they are not parents yet, so they dont feel the pain. Just looking at the photo on facebook is enough to send a chill down my spine.

Hope everyone can help to keep our children safe.